The daily chit chat

I :heart: LB

No it’s not the wine speaking

(Maybe it is)


Bet the route is following the M4 …or via Stonehenge

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Lovely ride down to the beach for an ice cream


Looks familiar. Where is that?

Blue bird cafe, Ferring

Bugger: this is not meant to snap off I don’t think.

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I thought you ride a BMW, since when do BMW’s riders/drivers use indicators.


Contact snap-on?

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Knew someone would get the BMW indicator joke in there somewhere :slight_smile:

We’re one of the few who use ours!

Also, this is on Claire’s bike :zipper_mouth_face:

Did you break her bike or did she do it?

Today I got an MOT on my Pegaso. I now own 3 road legal motorcycles! Another 4 that aren’t, and another 2 in boxes.
Went for a pootle out to OnYerBike.


Dream garage. What a collection.

Some confusing things in there though, eh!? Multiple Fireblades and 1098’s. What’s the story with those? Never ridden on track? WUT?! A garage full of the world’s most amazing sportsbikes made for the track and he’s never been on track?

There’s a good example of a real truism there eh - the more successful you become, the less time you have to enjoy your rewards.

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On my way back today from a week at Wembury (Devon).

Wish me luck

How are you getting back? Hitch hiking?

Caught a ride, and after 5 miles the guy confessed to being a serial killer!

What are the chances of two serial killers jn one car!


Not that everyone’s following this, but the wiring on the dirt bike is working out better.


Mother fraker! Just trying to walk over a bag and kicked the door frame. I now think I have a broken toe!

Sounds like you crossed your pain threshold…


Now you bruise my ego as well