Rideout - evening Brighton run Thursday 6th August

Was like a mini LB summer holiday!

What a great evening :smiley: :+1:! Great company and the route was absolutely AMAZING :open_mouth:! And it kept getting better and better.

Nivag did a stellar job leading.Also, thanks to Boris for tail gunning. :grinning: :+1:


I think I’ve made the decision that that ain’t happening. Haven’t made peace with that decision yet.

I think you’ll know when I’ve made peace when I stop posting on here…

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I’ll just send you pics on WhatsApp instead

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I’m switching to viber…

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Gutted I missed out on this, looks like a fun evening

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Also got that… #greek

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We were blessed with the weather. I couldn’t have coped with today’s temperatures.

Screenshot 2020-08-07 at 17.10.44

It’s definitely a tad on the warm side, and will be until Thursday.

Today was my first day out since the lockdown. And it was to spend forty minutes on a bus to St Thomas’, and back again. When I got home I stripped off and fell asleep.

It did remind me though of all those days out in the summer when I have to put my hemet, gloves, and jacket on. I hated those. But the jacket is vented and at least relief comes quickly once I get moving again.

Today was the sort of day where the only good place to be is on a bike on an open road.


This is why in Greece we ride in flip flops, sunglasses and speedos


I’d take a beach back in Greece over the bike anytime today.

Two years ago we had a similar heatwave and I had a week off between jobs… I’d ride the bike but purposefully get up early and be back by midday for beer and a nap… Being on the bike in such hot weather is just not nice.


Meant to say, nice way to cap 3000 miles on the MT-07 just as we arrived at the chippy.


@nivag one last blast to Brighton (for breakfast this time) before weather turns?

As long as it’s midweek :+1:t2:

I have 21 days of holidays to take

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Gonna have to be this week. Don’t think we gonna get lucky until May 2021 :thinking:

Urgh. Got so much work on. Would love to.

The forecast is for and incredible 30°C tomorrow - just like our August run.

What day were you thinking?