Rideout - evening Brighton run Thursday 6th August

After being cajoled into posting this from those at Borough Market last, I shall lead a ride from Rykas to a random fish and chip shop in Brighton.

Leaving 6.45pm from the carpark, note it’ll be closed but you can still get in via the gap on the Old London Road exit side.

This will take it various types of roads, so ride at pace that’s comfortable.
May do corner marking or just keep an eye on whose behind you depending on numbers.

Remember, it will be dark so bring a clear visor. Especially for the ride home. There will be some unlit roads.
Also it can be cold on the way back. So buy an extra bag of chips to stuff in the jacket or bring another layer :grin:

The ride home will probably be direct back to London and won’t be back to Rykas.

Meet point Ryka’s Café
Old London Rd, Dorking RH5 6BY

Admin: no nobbers, double white line overtakers and take it easy through villages/built up bits to avoid annoying the rozzers.
Social distancing, masks and whatever makes you feel comfortable and not giving the lurgy to anyone else will be appreciated :+1:t2:


Count me in!

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hmm, I need to use some holiday. I’ve booked the Friday off, hopefully I can get out of work and down there in time.


Could be good for a laugh, and some sea air.

Even though I helped bully you into this, still need to check I’m allowed, but probably down.

If it’s open and you want to venture a bit further in, Wolfies in Hove does good fish and chips. But you exchange quality fish and chips with eating it by the sea…

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If my bike is fixed I might be in

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+1 for Wolfies of Hove for Fish n Chips, 90 Goldstone Villas, Brighton, BN33RU its 1,510 yards from the sea front

+2 for Wolfe’s

I’m in, even though I don’t have permission yet!

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@nivag any top recommendations as to what else to bring?

  • Warm layer for the way back
  • Clear visor
  • Visor wipes
  • Phone charger
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WD 40


Spare bike
The kitchen sink

Sorry, couldn’t resist

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Visor Wipes is a good idea, layers for the ride back.

Charger up to you, if you feel there is enough juice in you phone probably not needed.

Just a reminder on the way home people will splinter off to their respective locations so if you need help getting home, make sure the phone has the charge it needs (assuming that is your satnav).


Anything that you use to make motorways less dull (podcasts, earphones etc).

Phone charger
Petrol money
Chip money
Sacrificial lamb

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mmmm lamb chops

It’s for carrying water in case of emergency. Honest

Spare bike battery.


Nothing more to add to the list of things that hasn’t already been said lol
Just done a reccy ride to check for any odd bits.
Currently along the coast in Worthless