Range Rover runs over multiple bikers!!!!!

Yeah your right, the “bikerz” were just out for a jaunty ride in the American country side :doze:

Was it bollox. That lot thought they owned the road. My first impressions are, they thought that RR was in the way of their little ride out. The rider purposefully broke in front of the RR. In fact, the reason he got hit is because the rider was staring at the helmet camera as he came past and didn’t realise he’d broke too hard!


About right I reckon. Nice post.

Yeah it is close to right. However, the biker is badly hurt (as opposed to what is stated in the article).

My take - there was fault on both sides. The car driver shouldn’t have ridden over anyone but the behaviour of the bikers means the RR driver can easily make a case that he was afraid for his life, and for his family. I would be very surprised if he gets charged with anything. I think most parents could relate to how the driver must have felt, especially when there is a mob surrounding and beating on your car. It’s just very sad that another man is lying in hospital with life changing injuries…

Well said Simon. a lot of experts here saying what should and should not be done.
Not one of us knows how we would react if surrounded by a mob and attacked.

I would agree with Simon, except one thing. The driver of RR and his lack of imagination was cause of all this carnage. As I’ve seen it somewhere the bikers were asking him to slowdown to give away to group of riders. He obviously as a fkn “holy cow” ignored that and decided that he is most important person in flashy car (the best car in NY or any traffic :P) and he not going to give a way to anyone. You see where I’m going with that? Especially as a parent when you are asked to slowdown and give a way to group of “friendly” motorcyclists you would obey and give them way.
So as a parent I would use my imagination and just pull over or give them way and wave (OK SIGN) my hand.


Aha, so the driver of the RR is bad for not letting the slow moving group of poor riders in front of him. Why should he ?
More importantly why do you feel the bike riders should have the right to go in front of him ?

I defy you not to react in the same way the driver did if you believed your family was at risk.

Yeah I agree Rob, but the bikers were already behaving with pack mentality and causing chaos as can be seen in some of the other vids. So - regardless of the car, let’s say you are surrounded by HUNDREDS of bikers - all around you. Maybe he had already pulled over and given them space - we don’t know. All I’m saying is that it was unfortunate and there was fault on both sides. In that situation I hope I would have done as you suggest, and I certainly hope I wouldn’t have driven over anyone - but who knows - I have never been in quite that bad a scenario. I did however once get nervous with a biker gang in California, but that was only 20 bikers, so much easier to keep out of their way…

I’m looking for my next car
I’m going to buy a RR
You can do anything and just say I was scared for my life
Make sense to me

As I said, experts everywhere.

I find the article very 1 sided and speculative. The writer doesn’t know exactly what happened and has made up his own mind about the incident.

With his power of writing articles for others to read, I find it misleading and untruthful. Other papers/sites would have posted what they truthfully knew and added to the story as time went on and more info was made available.

Poor investigative journalism… :ermm:

By the sounds of it have you been in that situation

Yep, but not quite the same.

watch the last video as well at one point they are driving on a pavement and I mean driving not just cutting around a corner.

These clips show exactly what this group have been doing. Horrendous riding and I’m surprised they don’t lose a few riders on every ride.

I see now, that legitimises them being run over, yes they’re clearly a bunch of (can’t believe I get to say this before Kishan) twats, but there again if they’re a well known bunch of twats there’s every reason for Mr RR driver not to get mixed up with them surely?


Your presuming he had the choice.

I think the bikes ran out of road and the RR just happened to be there.

I never said that anyone deserves anything Ian. Why would you suggest I did ?
I know that if I go out and ride like an idiot then it is only a matter of a short time before someone takes me out. They were riding like idiots and to be blunt I have no sympathy - that doesn’t mean it’s ok or I want it to happen though.

Other than that the bikers are a bunch of twats, I’m presuming nothing (unlike most posters on this thread):D. The next bit I don’t understand:blink:
