Pedestrian ran into me hit i paniced and left

now is not the time to try and fiddle things, you should have stopped, but you didnt, you now know, it was his fault, in your eyes and you have now done what you need to…if the police think you are trying to change things or make things up at this stage then they will take you to town on it…be honest and straight and it will all pan out…we hope anyway…

Great advice [Not], that’s called making a false statement (Perjury Act) and could land him with a custodial sentence.

what a sh itty situation! im glad your okay and that u didint actually come off ur bike, not that this would make u feel better but if i had turned/looked in my mirror and seen him walk off i would have done the same thing, probably would have called the po-po and ended up in a whole heap of shitori :w00t: are u talking about the bit of road near the oval tube station? if so then im sure there must be cctv along that bit…if there was cctv footage which could prove that the incident was dault of pedestrian, would ruin the chance of them gettin the payout? or do u just have to be inursed these days to claim?

well its all going pear shaped for me from the looks of things

the guy has 2 witnesses and the cops are waiting on their statements which has to be in within the next 3 weeks.

so if i dont get done for him running into me ill get done by the cops for not stopping. oh yeah they told me there was no cctv fottage:ermm:

that is crap mate… not sure what to say… :unsure: hope it turns out ok (?)

Sorry to hear that mate, but get yourself a good lawyer.

cheers already had a word with andrew and just sent him another email see what he says

just hope i dont get a ban

well just throw yourself at the mercy of the court and hopefully you’ll be ok…

i’m sure you know the worst case scenario but lets hope that doesn’t happen and as long as the court doesn’t think you’re trying to squirm out of whatever punishment you’ll be treated fairly.

If where the accident occurred is traffic right of way, then that part is his fault and he has no business being in the road at that point.

Although it is not great that you did not stop immediately, it is reasonable that you were scared and also that you reported it immediately once you got home.

If they want to go down the civil route (suing for personal injury), then it’s a fight over money. If they want to go down the criminal route (prosecuting for failure to stop), then it’s a fight over points, possibly a record and money. It’s likely that they would go for criminal first, because then the civil will be easier to secure.

The important thing is not to be scared, but to get yourself informed. Once the CPS/court send you the documentation listing the offences/claims then I can have a look at it for you and help you out with the Citizens Advice Bureau/a couple of friends that do Pro Bono work (free legal representation because they want the experience or feel for your cause).

Cool, hope he can help you, I am sure he will do his best.

oh dud just read through this… just goes to show what happens when you (sort of) follow the law…

you fess up and this is what happens. hopfully all will pan out for you ok.

fingures crossed fella

See what happens and what the Police send through to you. If they ask you for a statement or to appear for an interview then I STRONGLY advise you to get legal representation. At the minimum you can get 1 hours advice free from most solicitors, you may be able to get legal aid if you don’t earn much.

It’s important that you keep the story true, BUT don’t add anything unnecessary unless asked. Very simply:

  1. He ran into me
  2. He fell over
  3. I didn’t fall over
  4. I managed to stay upright
  5. I saw him moving and thought that he was OK
  6. I was scared he was going to be aggressive towards me
  7. I realise I should have stopped but I was in a state of panic
  8. I called the Police as soon as I got home to report the matter
  9. I hold him responsible for the accident as I had right of way and he ran into me.

With this statement you be admitting you left the scene of an accident, so it’s a pretty easy prosecution case. However with a good solicitor you might be able to get off with a caution because you reported it at the first opportunity.

Don’t try and twist the story too much, it’s too easy to disprove it later.

Independent witnesses can be a bit of a lottery, they can help or hinder you. I was involved in road rage situation a few years ago and the woman who accused me (with a crazy statement) had a witness. However they never gave a statement and the whole situation went away, even though a reference to it is still on my record as I found out when I was stopped for speeding (which concerns me).

I think the fact that you rang the police will work in your favour. If this guy has two witnesses then he would definatly have got your number plate and it would be a lot worse for you if you hadn’t contacted the police yourself. Fingers crossed…

Hmm this sounds ****, looks to me like a predetermined insurance fraud. I think this is exactly what the guy was looking for… and obviously his 2 witnesses are questionable. I would make notes of everything you can remember, from what cars, how the traffic was, how dark, if teh sunw as shining… anything that could be used against him. If his witnesses are fake small details could prove it…

Hi, I’m new here, just thought I’d throw my hat in the ring.

If you go to the police station for an interview you almost certainly will be arrested, probably charged (two witnesses and a confession). They will then conduct an interview. You can do the interview with or without a legal advisor but I’d strongly suggest WITH.
If you go to the police station WITHOUT a legal advisor one can be appointed to you, BUT…you will be held in the cells until he/she arrives. It can take hours. Not nice, if you’ve never been banged up before it’s a real eye-opener.
So what I’m saying is, do not go to the police station without having arranged to meet your legal representative there.
I’ve been in your position due to a road rage incident, probably worse in my case (assault, offensive weapon & criminal damage.) I know it feels awful right now but bear in mind that this, in time, will all pass.

i think you need to read from the start what happend i said happend and then rethink about what your gonna say

Not being funny. That guy stop’s in the middle of the road. Could of been a total nutter or **** head playing chicken.
He might of been trying to knock you off your bike to steal it. I have heard of it!

You where scared for your personal safety.

What part of the situation do you think I don’t understand ?

You didn’t stop at the scene of an accident in which you were involved.

The vehicle involved has been identified as yours.

You have given the police your details.

Whatever part it is, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re probably going to end up having to go to a police station. All I’m saying is take a legal representative with you to avoid waiting for one in the cells.

Get your own witnesses. If he can come up with a couple weeks after the event so can you.

He may well have supplied the witness details when he reported it, the police didn’t have to tell you until they were ready/