New top gear

But have not all the episodes been recorded already?

But have not all the episodes been recorded already? WildBoy
I think they record all the VTs then do the shows mid week.
But have not all the episodes been recorded already? WildBoy
I think they record all the VTs then do the shows mid week. Abzero
If it's anything like previous series, they film on the Thursday and air on the sunday so they can keep the topics current.

I reckon they might of re-dubbed or maybe edited some of the audio to tone it down on some of the films that have already been filmed.

But have not all the episodes been recorded already? WildBoy
I think they record all the VTs then do the shows mid week. Abzero
If it's anything like previous series, they film on the Thursday and air on the sunday so they can keep the topics current. Marmablade
ooohh I see now ok

But the challenges are all filmed months ago

Without having seen the second episode… I kinda agree with this.

Clarkson who?

getting better… LeBlanc is really good

Ok so I hate to admit it but this is growing on me. LeBlanc is credible, Chris isn’t that annoying and their last challenge wasn’t completely idiotic. Great to see LeBlanc on a motorcycle. The film on the new Tesla was really good too, especially when it ate the Dodge Challenger.

at least he didn’t buy a bloody harley! I did feel for the guy falling when he push started it too. 

Really ungrowing on me episode by episode.

Looking forward to seeing what the usurpers bring now.

Chris Evans steps down from Top Gear !

this year is just getting better and better :smiley:

Chris Evans steps down from Top Gear !

I just heard, still wont make me watch it. but pleased he is going

this sunday it got less viewings than the Antiques Road show lol

Seems dead now. RIP TG. Roll on TGT.

Funnily enough I actual enjoyed this weeks, as I thought Evans was still shite but Le Blanc was improving. The others apart from Jordan are also improving.

It’s streaming views are high midweek and it’s had to compete with the football.

I’ve really liked the last few episodes.

It’s nuts dumping him, or making whatever behind the scenes moves that were made to get him to dump himself, when it is still settling in and competing with the football.

I’m no fan of the man but the show was beginning to find its legs.

Just like British politics at the moment, sheesh.