What do you put on yours????

has to be lemon and sugar :smiley: although i made a big stir fry this evening and am now too full up to make any :frowning: can be pancake week and i’ll have some tomorrow instead :stuck_out_tongue:

i had 3 pancakes, one with lemon, one with sugar and one with chocolate sauce and a big lump of mint ice cream :stuck_out_tongue:

Pancakes were my entire dinner last night - I have 5 of them, all with Lemon and Sugar - can’t beat the classic combo :smiley:

just the traditional ones with lemon and sugar!:slight_smile:

hehe :stuck_out_tongue:


Beats Nuttella I guess;):smiley:

Easy tiger! :slight_smile:

Spot the difference… can you see it? :w00t:



Haha very subtle;)

I told you I don’t do your size mate…but I’m sure Google will help you find something similar…And I’m speaking from the ‘heart’ here - seek some help over the cross dressing…
