Test ride tomorrow.........

Yeah tis a fair point mate, in all honesty I could have bought a 2008 with 2.5k miles, done a bit of fork work, exhaust, PC3 etc and had a spot on bike for around £6k all in (this was what I was weighing up at the time) Trouble with this, is you never get the ££ back for the bits you put on so resale time I would have lost out.

The chap selling it (obviously taken with a pinch of salt) was telling me 500 R’s were made, of which 170ish were sold in the UK, a lot of these were sold to teams wanting to compete in superstock championships (the reason triumph made the bike) so for me the exclusivity is worth the additional £2k and I also think come resale that margin of cost will be less when comparing what I could sell the 2008 model for in say 2 years (who am I kidding I will keep a bike 2 years lol)

Couldn’t tell you what they are like back to back - rode the R first and the decision was made :slight_smile: would be fun to go have a play back to back and compare once I have it though!

Absolutely agree, and as I say I can’t imagine doing anything other than what you’re doing right now.

Feck it is one sexy mofo, just sooooo damn beautiful. The engine has always been a peach and like you say it’ll be talked about in the future as the RSV-R 'prillas are now. A proper Leg end.

Just check the steering damper, if it’s stock it needs binning - seriously the stock one is useless. Paul Young developed the bike as T’s test rider and continued by taking it racing immediately. He told me, after I had a massive tank slapper off a catseye on a summer’s day, that from his list of ‘must haves on the production model’ he could choose between a proper damper or upgraded brake calipers. He chose the calipers because they’re less likely to be upgraded by the buyer. So the stock bike was released with proper brakes and a steering damper (ahem).

He took mine off at his workshop and let me play with it. I could pull it fully out and push it fully in with no real resistance at all. Gulp. Needless to say the Arrow one is a different propostion. The bike has the steering angle of a shopping trolley!

I feel a member’s bike gallery coming on, just for yours, just because I can :slight_smile:


Fantastic bike Leon, you will have great times on her! :slight_smile:

is it there yet? :laugh:

no… :crying: frickin longest two weeks of my life!

bet there is one at the bike show wednesday too… just to rub it in

Bloody hell Andrew…In all the years I’ve known you I’ve only ever heard about this 675 of yours and never seen it :smiley:

Glad you’ve got it back on the road…'m guessing it’s your summer bike with the ZX for the rest of the year?

with the most respect Eugene, up yours!!!


yeah I know, bit of an urban myth eh?

Yeh there is, I sat on her…yummmm ! :slight_smile:

I’m actually looking forward to seeing one in the flesh again today… 1 week till pick up :cool: