Rideout - evening Brighton run Thursday 6th August

Hello stranger, fond memories. It just looks that way because the sports bike riders are closer to the ground. You took the Triumph through it without incident, unlike the ride through Richmond Park that we don’t talk about :wink:

Trust your puncture repairing big sister, lil sister and mum are all well.

Happy, happy days

Haha a bunch of us actually went over the bridge, not just one :sweat_smile: it was only as I was coming down the verge that someone went through it and demonstrated how shallow it really was!!:joy:

Oh yeh, we don’t talk about Richmond Park…ever :eyes:

How are you doing? I haven’t been on here in years and then this popped up in my emails! So many great memories and definitely my favourite rides! I still talk about them today, they were that much fun!
Older sister has sold her bike, I think she’s giving it a rest, at least for a bit. My younger sister is now racing around on an S1000RR!

Picked my bike up from FWR today so I’m good to go!

So where exactly at 8:30? Or was it 9 :joy:

@iamfabio may be joining me too.

P.s @Panagiotis maybe you can make a new thread with details to make it finally official :smile:. Thank you for pushing for the ride out :pray:t3:

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All being well (I don’t sleep in) I’ll be at Box Hill for a pre-match Coffee.

Be gentle with me please :grinning:

Ah looks like Rykas? 8:30 most people are saying, I’m leaning towards 9:00 :sweat_smile:, but 8:30 is fine.

Happy days

:smiley:I loved it! Thanks!

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