Can’t believe what happened about 1 hour ago. There I was sitting at a set of lights behind a van minding my own buisness, when bang a van went into my rear Evil or Very Mad . So I got off my bike and the guy got out of his van and
I said " What was that for"
He said “I thought everyone had started to move”
Now the guy was stationary behind me for about 1min, so I don’t know what he saw.
We pulled over and looked at the damage on my bike which is:-
Rear number plate holder
Plastic surround
The guy said he will pay for it as it only looks like about £40 of damage, so I called Simon at JT’s and he gave me a price of about £90 so the guy
said we will have to go through the insurance, so as I write this I’m on the phone to them.
Not sure how you managed to stay on the bike, so props for that! But what an idiot! ‘I thought everyone was moving’… Yeah, I thought we were cage fighting, slap!
I hear about this alot, people stationary at the lights and someone hits them in the rear! Most of the time with serious consequences for the rider. Well definately claim for everything just insist on getting your people to do it, dont let the insurance company fob you off saying they got to do the work. In my experience (many hits later) it is better to take the bike back to the dealer if claiming off someone elses insurance, genuine parts fitted with warranty etc, and they wont play, it looks scratched it gets changed. all the best man