Police bikers show how it's done

Damn right rosso! Nice drivin!

Maybe it was just sped-up footage, to make it look like the bikes were going fast? :smiley:

They were over the speed limit! I hadnt noticed that? :-0

Nah! I just had a quick scan through it, thats not over the limit, surely?

Well, I enjoyed watching how smooth their ride was but I’ve never, ever gone over the middle lane just for a bit of extra visibility around a corner. I’d rather just slow down a bit!

Some have been trained to do it

Sign me up!

and some can’t see what’s in front of them while riding in a straight line :frowning:

Good riding in my opinion, should all take a note of this instead of being guilty of hugging bushes on tight left handers… Or is that only me? :wink:

And one used to hear me coming to work on my Triumph due to noisy exhaust, back when I worked in Trafalgar Square area… Fun fun. I followed bikesafe officer and used similar lines on the rideout, me following him and trying to keep up!