People sitting in the fast lane

"Think ill get me a big set of them bull bars, better still, a Snow plough "

What I really like is when, because of a queue in the overtaking lane where 1 lorry at 57mph is passing another at 56mph, some tosser decides he’s had enough waiting and why isn’t every c*nt pulling in for him and they should wait and he shouldn’t, and that tosser undertakes everyone and declares in their head that the nearside lane is “moving faster” and then pulls a dangerous manouvre later on by barging back into the traffic.

Not that I recognise any queuing etiquette in the highway code, or that there should be any kind of “wait your turn” principle. If it’s a bike, fair dos, you can slip in - just don’t complain when some numpty pulls back into the nearside. But a car, that’s just obnoxious. And all because of the two idiots up front showing no consideration for everyone else.

Point noted, sounds like a pathetically designed road but what the hell. But if you get people catching up then just pop into the middle lane at least, the people in the middle lane can then overtake you until you pull back into the outside and then off the road.
I don’t entirely agree with your 30 is 30 and 40 is 40 so I’m allowed to block in anyone trying to do over that. Like others said it’s not up to you to enforce the law or prevent people taking that ‘risk’ if they want to. I judge the road I’m on and possible surrounding hazards and my driving will be influenced accordingly. I can read the road ahead very well as far as I can see, and if there’s no potential hazards, no children playing nearby,no roundabout signs or school signs etc. then bring on the speed (and I’m definitely not talking doing 60 in a 30). It would be my judgement and I would never drive in a way endangering either myself or anyone else.
Anyone trying to enforce their own judgement on me will most likely receive the two fingered salute. That’s not your job so just let me on by