Parade being interupted by ......

You said the word, “Benefits” that sums it up!

yep, those pesky immigrants, not only are they taking all our jobs, they are taking all our benefits too! maybe we should ship them back to their own country?..:Whistling:

Nice ‘Taking Libertys’ vid Cyphertheory, thanks. ;):slight_smile:

How fortunate for them that free speech is only won by the actions of the men they choose to insult,

But they would never understand that…

agreed, nothing more proud then a man or woman willing to stand on the line with a rifle in their hands. i just think it sucks that the rug is being pulled from under their feet by a dishonest and corrupt government.

they go to these places to try and bring freedom to the people there, only to return home to find that they dont have the very same freedoms in their own country

It’s called living in a democracy where you can freely express your views

Jez what a depressing read this thread makes… Regardless of what you think of their protest (and for the record I thought it was sick) it is their right to make their views known (no matter how horrible) in a peaceful manner, the fact that they are allowed to do so is a reflection of our values.

Values that many people died for in the first and second world wars. So when you speak about the use of violence towards these sadly misguided individuals you not only dishonour our current values of tolerance, freedom of speech, but you also dishonour those that fought so hard in the face of fascism, to ensure that had an opportunity to live in a society that has those values.

As for any ill informed comments about jobs being taken or being over run by ‘people like these’ you need to keep in mind that the Muslim population in this country is about 3% at most… only a small percentage of whom come from Iraq.

Well said.

It’s important to recognise that idiots like these muslim fundamentalists are seeking to provoke a violent reaction from the public against muslims - because their aim is to damage Britsh society.

If British society can rise above these cretins by treating them with the disdain and contempt they deserve - then British society will have won and they will have lost.

It’s also true that Iraq was one of the most secular countries in the muslim world until Bush invaded. Make no mistake - Iraq was a state which terrorised and murdered it’s own people - but ironically women were allowed to dress in a western style and hold professional positions in society - the position of women in Iraq has suffered since the invasion (they are forced to cover their heads andhave lost their position in politics and the professions) as religious groups have been able to increase their power and influence.

i echo what was said by sid too, this is pretty much bang on the money. +1 internets for this man :slight_smile: