Opinions: the most stylish denim motorcycle jeans?

Any recommendations - e.g. the best looking denim bike jeans that will also save your arse if you take a trip down the road.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

I’ve got two pairs of Hood jeans, the Concept 6 and the K7 jeans. Both are great, the Concept 6’s are more summer oriented, the Kevlar lining is knitted and softer but because they’re in patches (on knee/arse) the outer denim does have stitch lines on which mean they look less like normal jeans.

However the K7’s are virtually indistinguishable from normal jeans to look at, the inner kevlar lining is the more normal woven stuff and covers the entire inner surface (i.e. fully lined unlike other brands) and only stops a few inches above the ankle. This means they’re very tough, but they don’t have the tell-tale lines of stitching in odd places. The only thing is they are rather thick (the denim is thick too) so they can get hot on a hot day. Very good quality both pairs though, I love them and rarely wear anything other than the Hoods.

They’re also made in England and a bit cheaper than Draggins for eg. Well worth a look as they also do cargo pants with kevlar linings too, and some are camo if you’re into that sort of thing.


Thanks LM! - really appreciate the informed info. Will check out the hoods. :wink:

Hi Mate ,

funnyly enough I was going to do a like for like comparison with my concept 6 jeans and my new Draggin Next Gen’s which arrive today. Supposed to be seemless.

I will post some pictures and opinions in the products and upgrades section once i get em on !

i guess price pays a role as well… the new draggins look very nice but cost alot

Alpinestars do some which are bound to be tasty looking


and the Draggin Jeans/Knox collaboration had been given CE standard awards


Esquad, if you can afford them and find them,

try ‘gorgeous bikes’ on the kings road, you may struggle if you’re over a 34 inch waist though.

I found Draggin’s didn’t fit me very well :frowning: probably me being a funny shape though.

The other good thing about the Hoods is that though you can’t try them on as they’re not sold in shops, they do make the leg length to suit you. You give them your inside leg measurement and they cut the jeans to fit, so it doesn’t matter if you’re tall or short. They leave enough material so as you’re not wearing ankle flappers when on the bike. Both of mine are perfect in leg length I did have to send the first pair back as I’d chosen a size too small (hard to tell when first buying) but the returns procedure was easy and fuss free, very good customer service.

You can buy Knox armour with the Hoods, but I opted to add hein Gericke Hiprotec armour to the knees of mine rather than take up the Knox.

I’ve had my Concept 6’s for around 2 years now with regular use and they’re still like new condition. The K7’s are currently getting worn every single day and are still looking good but they’re only 6 months old.

I’d be interested in the comparison between the Hoods and Draggins.

if you want style, buy a Ducati :stuck_out_tongue:

I was thinking of getting the Hood ones…would you just give the measurement of your normal jeans or do you add a bit extra ?

I used my normal jeans, but Im quite tall !

id go with a bit longer as you dont want the jeans to ride up when your sitting on the bike.

as a test wear your normal jeans and sit on the bike to check :wink:

last time i wore denim on me bike…;)…

kangaroo hide all the way ninja…:cool:.


Thanks everyone - alpinestars and esquad seem to be some of the best looking denims at the moment - I just want to avoid the ‘dad’ look jeans if you know what I mean. ;):smiley:

I gave them my usual inside leg (31") they cut them longer anyway to take into account riding up, if you give them a longer measurement they might end up too long. I suppose if your bike is a very sporty one with very high pegs (and therefore very bent knees) it might need a little extra maybe…??

Haven’t crash tested mine (hope never too) but as stated they’re not just normal denim so even if the bum denim did wear through like in that picture above the kevlar wouldn’t. You may get abrasions from the inside of the kevlar perhaps but you wouldn’t get the road directly on your skin so therefore no bits of gravel and dirt to pick out anyway!!

As for style… well thats personal taste I guess…LOL The hoods are fine, don’t look to grandaddy (well not on me as a 33yo female anyway LOL) and I can walk around town without screaming “BIKE GEAR” all day.

The Draggins seem to have a really good rep. :slight_smile:

ouch! that was ordinary denim right? not reinforced bike stuff?

is it not possible to make your own jeans? just stitch some kevlar on the inside wherever you want it?

That’s not Smiled and he’s wearing tracksuit bottoms not jeans :slight_smile:

You can get these things called K-liners which are like a Kevlar undersuit which you wear under any clothes you want. I’ve known a few people on other forums who use them.


I can’t find a pic but from what I remember they look a bit like a thermal undersuit though baggier… not sexy, but at least you can wear what you want on top…