Mobile phones whilst driving , what Penalty is appropriate ? Discuss

Mobile phones whilst driving , what Penalty is appropriate ? Discuss

Castration. Still undecided what to do with females…

A little Stern but totally agree ! Especially Texters

Ban for 6 months. After that insurance premium hike will sort this out.


Ban and at least 6 points.

Execution, no excuses.

confiscation of device and a ban on buying a new one :slight_smile:

failing that, a good cuffing - keeps the paperwork to a minimum.

lets widen this slightly, what about taking a drink while driving, eating an apple or anything else for that matter, changing CDs tuning the radio, watching dvds (I’ve seen it ),oh and then there’s the miss behaving kids in the back seat or a baby crying, all distractions. Oh then if you want a bit more, once saw a “young” lady perform a BJ on the driver, on the M4 between Newbury and Thatcham:w00t: . In the drivers defence, he was driving really slowly, thinking that no one would notice, well believe me in a left hand drive lorry over taken said car there wasn’t much left to the imagination :wink: .

there you go just a few things to think about. :exclamation:

of to get the popcorn now .

I agree , ALL Careless Driving offences but will they EVER get caught ? No Police means No Conviction !

I don’t like this coming down heavily on things apart from in the case of cheese theft. One day it’s castration for phone use the next it’s for wheelies and loud pipes. So someone kills someone punish away, but can we harshly punish for if we might kill someone? If we are going to start castration for things we might do we better start filling some jars.

Ok, castration might have been a bit harsh. What if it’s just the one ball then?

Loud pipe does not kill anyone, distracted driver did.


jesus you lot go for lax rules or harsh sentences eh?

Why not have something like a 1-month ban. Long enough to realise how badly you need the car but not long enough to make you lose your job…

Very poor dismissal attempt EB… Scores very low. Loud pipes might kill someone. What if they shock someone into an action that they might not have done had they not heard them pipes and this action then kills someone. We are in a world of maybe and might here anything is possible.

Instant death :stuck_out_tongue:

If you don’t see difference between loud pipe and wheelie on public road so it will remain as it is, for you so called “poor”.


I have both loud pipes and wheelies fitted to my Bike. But you never mentioned wheelies in your dismissal. Pick part or pick whole don’t pick and then add to suit your needs as that is also a poor show.

You wrote:

One day it’s castration for phone use the next it’s for wheelies and loud pipes.

So just to clarify what wheelie is moi use wikipedia, if this is some sort of fancy slang for tyre with white stripe or stabilisers I might be not familiar with it.

Please tell me which part I have missed or what I have picked when I said: If you don’t see difference between loud pipe and wheelie on public road so it will remain as it is.

I’m sure you are great rider/driver, all wheelies are perfect, you are in charge and control in everything doing them. Enjoy yourself as much you can, if is not you who going to get killed or injured by your 200kg bike you don’t have to care and worry mate.


Your original dismissal contained no mention of wheelies only loud pipes. And yes one day I might Jill someone with my wheelies or loud pipes so how are you going to punish me for something I might do? Have a feeble I ride better than you cock size measure up? Or will you actually shake together an answer this time?

Sure, you are great.


ps. edit reason: missing comma.