MAY bank holiday 2009

Yes its true were off to sunny France for the May bank holiday weekend Friday 1st to Monday 4th.

And once again its eurocamp cos its cheap £178 for a 6 berth tent & bedding this time the site is at St Valery-sur-somme approx 60 miles south of Calais, will check out the web for interesting places to visit/rideout.

So who wants to join us ?

currently booked

Myself + kaz,

B12Rider Paul

KML kelv

Paul, Fiona + maisy their daughter on her first biking holiday,




Chribi (chris)

Ginger…gawd help us :smiley:

So come on look up the site its got pools everything and stick your names down and get over the water for some fun !!!

Be good practice for the Italy trip later in the year and be better than stuck over here for the holiday :D:DThis is the Franco-British memorial one of the places Im looking to visit on this trip, if you want to go anywhere in particular stick a post up
The names of 73,367 soldiers are engraved in the stone of these pillars, a most impressive and moving memorial…

Thiepval has the great Memorial to the Missing, (the name of men who died in the fighting in this area and whose bodies have never been identified). The vast Memorial with its arched pillars , designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens and inaugurated by the Prince of Wales in July 1932, stands on the highest point of the ridge obove the River Ancre. It is visible from many miles around ; wreath or private tributes are laid here by visitors from all over the world and a ceremony is held here on 1 July each year, to commemorate the opening of the Battle of the Somme.

The Memorial to the Missing of the Somme is a focal point for more British visitors to the battlefields, particularly educational groups.

Centre d’accueil et d’information
Tél. : +33 (0)3 22 74 60 47
Fax : +33 (0)3 22 74 65 44
[email protected]
Find out more

oh munter count me in dont klnow who ill bring with me maybe mrs palmer ill share a tect with you

I’m in for this one…

Not sharin’ with ginge though, cant be dealin’ with him in his tights, so someone come to my rescue and share with me. I’m ugly and I snore, surely thats incentive enough?:smiley:

Hegarty says you can share with us refined people if you want! She’s going in with maize - so if you dont mind sharing with ray (refined character you’ve met before) you can come in with us! - (tent closed now!) :slight_smile:

The offers are streaming in now… :smiley: I’m not sure I’d be able to stomach the testosterone in a tent with two blokes with ‘birds’, I’d feel inferior on my triple.:DHow do the new cans look on the bird mate? Got any photos?

******** to the bird syndrome you have a official invite to the exect tent:P snooze you looseCans on the bird sounds like a V8 :wink:

Nige and I will be coming seeing as I still have a eurotunnel ticket to use up by the end of May. Will book after xmas.

2 questions = Can I go pillion without being called names?

Can I bring Phil and Grant with me if they promise to behave.

1 statement = I aint sharing with Ging either, although he did have everything we all needed last year in France.

At last I can get away on one of the trips , count me in.How is the booking being arranged ?

Oh now I get it, I was wondering who Mrs Palmer was until Nige just explained it to me, well us girlies never have to bring Mrs Palmer with us, we have battery operated assistance, less effort don’t you know.

Ginge is just trying to rub off all the hairs on his palms! :w00t:

Nigels`s might by battery operated, but mine works on its own:)
ps how did he wire it in?:w00t:

Both of you are more than welcome to join us, to keep costs down etc

will ring ya with info mate

Look foward to hearing from you.

He obviously hasn’t met Steve yet.

Hey Paul you’re tent is pretty full already by the sounds of it, if I start another one Nige and I can have all the single blokes (yes there is an ulterior motive in there somewhere) in with us. Do you think I will be allowed to tuck them in every night? Ooh roll on May bank hol, interviews for our tent to be held nearer the time.

shurrup you !!! we used to work together :)still looks good though hopefully more will sign up and join us

I am sure I can put up with steve for & great weekend away, I had work with him for 3 years , its a bit like going away with victor meldrew.Should be a laugh?I not saying your old steve.


For info on stuff in the area search for picardy/somme tourism gives directions, stories, museums and sites to see from the Great War will be very moving to visit some of these places

Anyone else interested in coming will now have to book their own places you only need £50 for deposit on a tent

Do you think we’ll find some war pics with you in them Victor?

Oooooh…be careful Dawnie…you gotta spend 4 days wiv Steve in May…he’ll get his own back on ya :slight_smile: