KTM 690 Engine Guard

You’re just meant to consume nowadays. Be a good little consumer and fuel the capitalists so the CEOs can have their second or third homes. Consume food, consume TV, consume games, consume clothes, consume streaming services, consume tech, consume the planet.

Don’t produce anything, leave that to Big Corp.


Yep the sad reality of the UK now.

Thinking about some of the London flats I’ve seen, I’ve often wondered how they managed to fit the TV in there in the first place…

But, to be fair, the issue of overconsumption or people as consumers is hardly a UK problem. Much of the world has moved to that direction…

Personally, rather than people making things, I’d like them to react to things (protest, rebel whatever it takes) rather than passively accepting them… To me that’s the issue with current state of consumerism. But then again the last march I went on was probably 2008…

Now how a thread about an engine guard ended up being a thread about overconsumption, no one knows…

Owww, could do with one of these in our workshops eh @me_groovy? :slight_smile:


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Bought one of these, works well with my 701. Even lifted the rear end of my Transit :grinning:
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Motorcycle-Motorbike-Bike-ATV-Jack-Lift-Hoist-680-kg-Hydraulic-Lifter-1500LBS/264508267856 £72

Nice, thanks @Rusty99. Unfortunately with another bike next to it I wouldn’t have any room to jack it up with that huge pole :slight_smile:

if you look at the bubble, you’ll see it is level :stuck_out_tongue:

Nah its nearer to the left than the centre …

I took this off in the end. The guard was jamming the gear shift. Will sell it I think.

hmm mine doesn’t have an issue, did you try changing the angle of the gear shift?
prob too late now :man_shrugging:

This is the one I was going to buy, comes it black too

I did a just my shifter up from standard, previously due to a load of false neutrals so if anything the bash plate clearance should have been increased :confused:

Beefy. And expensive!

this is mine


comes in black


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Oh nice, I like that. It’s like the light armour variant :slight_smile:

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Beefy is what you want from a bash plate :+1:t2:

Not from a burger though he’s vegetarian