Jetstream mildly miffed.

Thanks MRC, I`m still well miffed, bruises are coming out nicely, more than I imagined existed.

Now almost one week on my legs ache more than they did shortly after the accident, one looks like a tree trunk and the other like a Gaugin version of roadkill.

Police may get back to me in four weeks or so:)

Any sightings of the below mentioned Range Rover gratefully appreciated.

Just seen this post , sorry been away and wanted to wish you well soon Chris !

Does beg the question why stop ?

Hope the system for once works and they get shafted !!!

only just read this, bloody hell Chris that sucks mate. Hope they get the barsteward and you heal quick.

Thank you:) He is on his way to see a doctor agan right now.

Sorry to hear this m8 and hope you heal fast and get the bike sorted.

The false addy etc may have been a genuine mistake. People tend to update their insurance if they move but forget to change the V5 (Logbook) over to the new addy. On the other hand, if it was a cloned car then get the police to seize it and bring it into my place and I’ll examine it and confirm its true ID.
The police obviously did a PNC check and possibly confirmed that the addy for the insurance was different to the registered addy which is how they may have located the tit.

I hope you get a satisfactory outcome m8.

Hope you heal quickly Chris, what a right pain…bad enough when it’s your own bike but a courtesy one along with the excess is a royal pain to sort.

I imagine those legs look a lovely colour now, no need to use fake tan this week :smiley:

Thanks Ang:) They’re purple now:w00t:

Thanks Judge Jools for the suggestions BUT so far no-one’s found him - as for seizing the vehicle, we wish they would, but nothing will happen for at least 4 WEEKS they said at the police station (and then all we can expect is that a crime number will be issued).

We don’t know that he is insured, let alone what address at, he does not appear to live at the address he gave, he gave a false phone number and the car is not registered where he said he lives. However it is taxed:D

It sounds to me like the police are dragging their feet m8.

We’re hopeful that when the form gets to the right place things will start happening:)

Wot he deserves, hope leg better. :smiley:

Well on the plus side - if this had not happened - the LB would not have seen Jetstreams legs in all their glory - ooo er missus;) Every dark cloud has a silver lining:D

I am sure yuou can trace the vehicle by paying a fee to the DVLA (unless cloned). I hope the tosser is found and dealt with in the appropriate manner !! I am sorry to hear that happened to you :frowning: :frowning:

The police should save time by impounding all Range Rovers and only releasing them when the Pale Blue one turns itself in.

Hmm from now on you shal be known as Captain Scarlett

Two assinnation attempts on yourself have failed whilst your trusty steeds have perished …

Note to Self …Buy better assassin’s so that i may have the wnderful J to myself

Thanks Hels:) Yes, we have sent the form off to DVLA with the £2.50 - just waiting to hear back.

:D:D:DWhat happened to the Vicar smilie? and the little man with the tree??:w00t:

Just seen this… Sorry to hear what happened Chris - thankfully you’re not mising much of a “summer”.

Get well soon!


sabbitical and seasonal staff …

Lovely looking shepherd…As for your legs Chris… Man up :w00t:Hope things all get sorted pal and the fugger gets what he deserves

Thanks ASBO:) This is the doggy you were going to share the settee with.

Chris is being brave really (still leading the ride on Sunday). If we find the bastid Nina might not be scary enough - can we borrow one of yours?:smiley:

PS When are you coming back for a rideout??

Hi Chris,

so sorry to hear of your accident, we have just read about it. Your poor legs! Hope that the said Range Rover driver is caught soon.

We both wish you a speedy recovery.

Simone and Steffen