Jade Goody

well said kevsta. having witnessed a very close relative suffer because of cancer and lose her life to it, and go through it with dignity and courage i cant stand the way that Jade has milked it for money. She must have earned enough already to set her boys up for life already. yes its sad for her family, especially her mum and sons, but thats who its sad for, her family. I cant see how people can be devastated over the loss of someone they didnt even know. i can see next years mothers day becoming the jade goodey memorial mothers day!!

sod jane goody.why couldn’t she suffer her cancer in dignaty like thousands of others did/do instead of making a song and dance out of it…

what ever she did she did it her way and for that she is unique…you can sod her all you like, despise her, love her, whatever you want but no matter what you feel, she did it her way. and by doing that she provoked comment,…and like some of you on here…didnt give a flying fo ok what you thought.

RIP jade Goody, you have made your mark on planet earth…and I am sure your boys will be thankful (to a degree) for what you have done for them.

The GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY…

GOOD = The awareness that has been created around cancer and getting checked out early.

BAD = The exploitation of us, the general public, having it rammed down our throats for weeks, everyone knows someone with cancer, but are they exploiting money from selling their story?

UGLY = The media and press for doing what they have done…I also believe that Jade died before Mothers day and they have strung it out for a bit more sympathy and to line their pockets.
(it would be interesting to find if this was true! - mind you the papers are good at bullsh*t)

Sad news, my thoughts are with her children who will grow up never truly knowing their mother for the person she was…

Make of that what you will.

R.I.P. Jade Goodie

i must be pyschic (see my post above)

someone today was actually on radio as saying that mothers day should be renamed jade goody memorial day!! yee gods!!
