I love Cubana but for how much longer...

Good night tonight - not many people but all in all a good time. Plenty of bikes - new people to meet and nice atmosphere.

But how many times do people need to be told - when you leave keep the noise down! I don’t like telling tales but can the ‘KTM Thumper Club’ reign in the right hand when moving off down Lower Marsh. People live there and they get rightly F*cked off when people give it large outside their window - you could see the curtains twitching. Lower Marsh is a narrow road and the sound bounces off the walls - sounds great but to a non biker its a nightmare.

Okay it’s a public highway etc etc…But they know where you come from, they can complain about the premises and then the local authority approach the licencee and say to them you can keep the bikes coming or you can keep your licence but you can’t have both…

Where do we go then when (and its when not if) we are told to get lost? This isn’t like other meets this is Londonbikers so any noise complaints are pinned on LB - regardless of whether they were made by forum members or not.

Whether we like it or not noise annoys people and we are an easy target. The police / local authority have a variety of powers they can employ. We’ve all been there.

I wonder how long it will be before Traffic turn up and hit each one of us as we return to the public highway - check the bike over and generally waste our time - the sole aim of this being to get rid of us.

So rant over - give the guys who run this forum a break appreciate the work they do to get these venues for us and respect people who live nearby so that we are able to continue to enjoy what is a good location. We didn’t just turn up one day it was agreed with the owner…

Why should I waste my time getting on peoples cases - what right do I have - none we’re all responsible for our own actions but I tell you I’ll be mightily hacked off if due to noise abuse I’m told I’m not welcome at Cubanas - so lets open the debate - abuse me - I don’t care talk to me - go bananas to me at Cubana’s but think about it - if we don’t take a little care now we will all lose out in the end.

So spread the word - call me a **** please don’t ruin my Wednesday night cos I like seeing all the bikes and all the people.

Good night - god bless I love you all but I’d like you even more if we all do our bit to keep this meet._

Very well put, am with you 100% Macp. Does anyone disagree, if so let us know why (please).

fully agree MacP

I love the noise as much as everyone - but not at the Cubana there is a time and a place for everything and that is not it…

well said, it was very inconsiderate of those KTM Guys to make all that noise, im sure they have been told before! even when Ceazer had a word, they basically didnt give a toss. we really do not need people who cannot abide by the rules. is that too harsh?

Wig from his tent in the pyrenees says…

“if all new attendees arent made aware of the delicate balance that exists at the Cubana then you will get tomfoolery, put a puppy on a new carpet and he’ll poop on it maybe flyers cud be handed out to bikes that arrive without an LB sticker . The flyer would say blah blah, this is a new meeting place for lb’ers etc no noise, burnouts etc blah blah”

dude i right there with you

I suppose the point is most of us will agree that that sort of behaviour is not on… so rather than winge about it, what do we do about it?

i have only been the cabana once and on that rainey night i met some good people, thats what it is about as far as i am concerned.

i was not there tonight but it sems to be the same old story, the few f’@@k it up for the majority.are these people on some sort of an ego trip or something. the bridge, frith st all under threat because of some mindless git.

can somebody explain this crap.

You couldn’t have put it in better words Macp. I would like to add to that a few things only. That car park is not Cubanas property, it’s public, wich actually is the problem we have, if that was Cubana’s I would Have more access to calm the situation down. That belongs to the council and the council and the local police is not keen on us making noise there.

As Macp said and if you don’t know we definitely not just started to turn up there. It was a result of long conversation with the local business and the main affected one (cubanas) plus consultation with the local police. The police is not worried about us since we not disturbe the local residents well deserved rest at their homes. The residents are not happy and have already put it in writting, plus the local business which easily can call the council and the police and say that our presence is disturbing their business. I won’t get here in details of what the police can or can’t do in a public carpark but I will tell you that our meeting is ruined if we don’t stop now!

LB had a really cool set of plans and events already engaged for that venue and it’s on hold becouse of bad behaviour.

I have spoken to one of the guys that was reving his bike at the carpark and minutes after that he and his mates just left the place making the biggest noise I have heard there and even in soho.

This behaviour is not welcome at our meetings, I don’t even think they were members of our site, which is not the case as everyone is welcome but not to spoil what we are trying to build. Go to the Ace Cafe, you will be more welcome there to do that noise.

Just to finalise I will be writting to the local business and authorities stating LB’s pacific and civilised intentions on our meetings, as I have already done verbally and once more give our word that we are not there to couse trouble. From now on I will take photos and write down the number plates from the ofending bikers and hand it to the authorities together with a company letter pointing the ones that are trying to spoil our meeting and fun. Just for your info, some residents have already done that and sent it to the police.

I have been informally warned and I’m not a child or a clown to be told off by something I don’t agree, believe or have done! I don’t promote it here, I won’t ever do it in this site and if you are not happy, the door is open!

LB has great plans that will benefit all our members in a very near future, our team have put a lot of effort in it and is working without stop to built a great community for you all. We ask nothing back but respect!

I’m sorry if you take it differentely than a passionate statement for what I believe we have here at this comunity. This is for you, me and all. I really don’t like to be put on a position to have to tell adults off like a child



ps: I will probably calm down tomorrow and edit my post

Theres nothing to edit there at all Cez, its all real and I hope it brings it home to the few.

(I, myself might have stayed in 2nd gear a bit to long when leaving up lower Marsh St, my Dad used to have words with me when leaving his pub about that too but I will make a consious effort to keep quiet from now on However… Im far from mayhem stunting, burnouts and the loudest pipe lol)

Dont Edit it !!!

I fully understand and agree with you…leave it just as it is Cez as these few that dont give a S**t need to know that they are wrecking all the hard work and negociation we have put in.

The way you have expressed yourself there is just how it makes us all feel and its about time people understood that !!!

Make it sticky !!!


what wankres!!!..how dare these ppl try ruin this great night out …who do they think they are?..macp…hit the nail on the head there fella…well done and will back you up all the way there mate

guy’s…i think we need to be our own police on this matter…and keep it well known that showing off is not welcome at the cubanna…nuff said…

disapointed smiled.

it was my frist night at the cubana .i was just standing there and cezar come up and started talking to me (thanks cezar) frist real meet for me ever .and frist with LB (i have met blade and trixie) hi to russ and to every one i met .i will remmeber all ur names .u all made me very welcome so i thank evryone for that .its so hard at frist u dont know anyone who shall i talk to and all that .looking forward to saturday night meeting at the ace then on to box hill .for the KTM boys .yes i said boys maybe next time u wont turn up …once again had a good night and hope to have more like them



Do you want me to make contact with the local Police Officer who’s reponsible for that area ? I could just have an informal chat and see what their intentions are. Not a problem if you’ve already got it covered, but if it helps in anyway then I can do that.

Just let me know.


Blimey, see what happens when I don’t turn up ;~)

Trojan - I reckon yeah, go ahead dude. Forewarned is forearmed (can I say that without you getting an itching trigger finger ) and it shows we are reaching out to them, which is positive from our side.


Can’t agree more guys - we have to police this ourselves because the boys in blue will only get involved (as they should) when it’s too late and it’s time to move us on - I really don’t want to lose Cubanna it’s a great spot and I really enjoy the meet. Let’s not lose it… the message is

If you behave stupidly when you arive and leave… you’re not welcome.

Cez - don’t edit your post you’re absolutely right - Macp - nice one mate spot on.


The KTM four are not as far as I am aware members here. If they are and see this post, perhaps thay can tell us all why they feel the need to endanger our public meets.

I have a lousy sense of direction in London and have only just worked out a reasonable route down to Waterloo.

We should distance ourselves from these four who made no effort to talk to any of us.

Best word to describe that won’t offend the mods “Muppets”.

Fully agree! They need to keep it down.

Ok, I’m cooler now. Let me explane to the readers and members that weren’t there something. Our meetings is for everyone and anyone. You don’t even need to be a member of our forums, active on our rideouts or even have ever read the LB pages. You must only be a biker or like motorbikes or even only be a nice person to be around.

I don’t know the Guys on the KTMs but for sure they are bikers and were keen cto come to our meeting to see us and support us. Fine, much appreciated! Please let me know that you are wellcome!

Now, having said that, I have to accept that if you are not a member and don’t read our pages, you are not aware of the noise issue. Taking in consideration that you don’t go to Soho as well, otherwise you would. This would be an excuse if I haven’t aproached YOU and asked YOU do don’t rev your bike and not make noise! There were 3 of you and I told two of you on a very clear way that you couldn’t do that there. You two nod the head to me and repeated once more what I have said. You two noded again and left the place like you were on a race. The noise you made was innaceptable in any circustance near a residential area. If you think you were cool? I’m sorry to say but in my view that is only noise and horrible one!


Yes I got the number plates and yes! LB will be liasing with the local police in order to protect our meeting place. I will personally get together with the local residents and business to contact the police or whatever authority is necessary in order to point the ofenders and take you out of our site.

I would like to say that your support fellow LBers is much appreciatted and I count on you on that.

My final word is:

Do you want to be a hooligham? NOT IN LBs NAME!