Good night tonight - not many people but all in all a good time. Plenty of bikes - new people to meet and nice atmosphere.
But how many times do people need to be told - when you leave keep the noise down! I don’t like telling tales but can the ‘KTM Thumper Club’ reign in the right hand when moving off down Lower Marsh. People live there and they get rightly F*cked off when people give it large outside their window - you could see the curtains twitching. Lower Marsh is a narrow road and the sound bounces off the walls - sounds great but to a non biker its a nightmare.
Okay it’s a public highway etc etc…But they know where you come from, they can complain about the premises and then the local authority approach the licencee and say to them you can keep the bikes coming or you can keep your licence but you can’t have both…
Where do we go then when (and its when not if) we are told to get lost? This isn’t like other meets this is Londonbikers so any noise complaints are pinned on LB - regardless of whether they were made by forum members or not.
Whether we like it or not noise annoys people and we are an easy target. The police / local authority have a variety of powers they can employ. We’ve all been there.
I wonder how long it will be before Traffic turn up and hit each one of us as we return to the public highway - check the bike over and generally waste our time - the sole aim of this being to get rid of us.
So rant over - give the guys who run this forum a break appreciate the work they do to get these venues for us and respect people who live nearby so that we are able to continue to enjoy what is a good location. We didn’t just turn up one day it was agreed with the owner…
Why should I waste my time getting on peoples cases - what right do I have - none we’re all responsible for our own actions but I tell you I’ll be mightily hacked off if due to noise abuse I’m told I’m not welcome at Cubanas - so lets open the debate - abuse me - I don’t care talk to me - go bananas to me at Cubana’s but think about it - if we don’t take a little care now we will all lose out in the end.
So spread the word - call me a **** please don’t ruin my Wednesday night cos I like seeing all the bikes and all the people.
Good night - god bless I love you all but I’d like you even more if we all do our bit to keep this meet._