From Weybridge and beyond!

As my gran always said…

“What a cun.t”

Can’t make it now…I know I will be greatly missed but its ok, you lot have fun without me, try not to shed a tear:D:w00t:;):stuck_out_tongue:

i was going to back out too when i saw the route, or just come to box hill, have a chat and then, but then i’d feel cheated, so i decided to turn up.

so i’ve decided to go as far as i want to and then if i start feeling tired i’d just turn around and go back to london by myself.also if i get lost don’t try to find me i just go back to london. there should be another girl joining me …hopefully…i don’t know what she’ll decide to do, but she sounds to me like she’s up for riding for a long time…i’m not.

so to confirm are we meeting up at boxhill? what time? also can you pm your number to let you know if i’m running late?

Page 2 you retard :slight_smile:

tally ho chocks away and all that i might join this tomorrow from the box, all depends on the weather plus cant decide which one to go on i read jetstream is doing one too. about time i showed my face again the last time was the brighton run last summer

mind you looking out the window now what a s t day

So to clarify for everyone,

Weather looks dry for tomorrow! :w00t:

Meet at Walton Bridge cafe at 10:30 here:,-4.064941&sspn=24.598922,53.4375&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Weybridge,+United+Kingdom&layer=c&cbll=51.386752,-0.430489&panoid=2FoK8ujSwenhDTzPXrJwtg&cbp=12,9.01,,0,9.88&ll=51.386781,-0.430613&spn=0.022764,0.10437&z=14

Have tea and scrupets and depart at 11am for Box Hill.

Its not far so we’ll probably be there at 11:30-ish for those who want to meet there.

From there we’ll head south towards Midhurst which will take about an hour max.

Stop for a spot of lunch around 1pm .

Head out at 2pm towards Basingstoke which again, will take about an hour Maximum.

Depending on how people are feeling, its probably going to be a quick run home via Farnham, Guildford to Weybridge which again will take no more than an hour.

So, its not a long day, although it could be pretty long on a 125cc so I don’t recommend it.

Looking forward to it and if anyone wants to volunteer for Tail Gunner, please do so or we’ll decide tomorrow morning via a fight to the death with handbags.

Cornerman is explained here:

Jewell, you are a homo and will be sorely missed :stuck_out_tongue: Oh, and the answer to your new avatar is “Always”.

bugger, doubt ill be able to make it

Hmm, is anyone actually going on this?

yes, you are!

Hmm, I was going to suggest you join us on the Jetstream rideout! :smiley:

Although I am a jinx remember, so bring the cheap bike!

Well, you guys could join this? I fancy the south and im committed so can’t back out. By the time you leave the Ace you could get to Weybridge by 10:30, then onto Box Hill etc…?

Yes, i dont know which bike to bring yet… im all confused! But i did have to glue the grips back down on the gixxer as the throttle was slipping all over the place on the way back today!

Hmmm… maybe it would be better to “merge”…

Can anyone who is Definitely coming tomorrow let me know numbers - if its a poor turnout, it would be better to join the experts at Jetstreams rideout leaving from the Ace.


Maybe it’ll just be you and Anna and her mate :cool:

Due to poor turnout and me clearly smelling of poo, this rideout has been canceled.

I’m going to join Jetstreams ride from the Ace :slight_smile:

If those of you who WERE coming??! look at this link an decide if its your cup of tea or not

Well that really puts the onus on me for a good rideout, thanks mate!

And to think we checked out Weybridge and the starting point for yummy mummys last weekend. We saw someone quite yummy feeding the Egyptian Geese but thought she was either your wife or an envoy from Presedent Mubarak.:w00t:

We feel humbled and blame Alex Gold for this turn of events.

Bout time he did something constructive.

(Mind you that rideout plan looks a cracker - save it, do it in warmer weather, more people will turn up, we look forward to joining you on it)

Well seeing as no-one was coming anyway, i doubt it will have much effect!

Although, i was quite concerned you wouldn’t want yummy mummies cramping your style - sorry if i have caused anxiety, paranoia or any other stress related symptoms. :blush:

I blame Alex too - but them I am quite easily swayed by public opinoin, i’m actually thinking of becoming a politician :wink:

Much love :slight_smile:

Ah bugger, just got back from picking my bike up and saw your message. It was my birthday this week so was not behind the pc much… Will take a lok at link and see it that is my cuppa :wink:

See what you`ve done now with yer insensitive, ill considered posts!

Best you two stay at home or come up with an excellant excuse.:smiley:

Ah, no harm done. I just want to ride a motorcycle!

I wouldn’t have thought that was a reason to cancel the ride, more of ‘an opportunity for a good day’ :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: