evil little scrots... rant warning

Okay so last night we recorded the lb.com podcast (due out today!) and a few of us where parked in my work car park - during the recording some little scrote drew with marker on Foxy’s bike! To top it off when I cam back out after everyone had gone I caught the little … messing with my bike - they then ran off we me shouting …“if I get my hands on you dear god you’ll be sorry” mmmmm perhaps not the best thing to say… 10 seconds later 2 glass bottles come sailing over the wall… then 25… I’m not kidding there where 25 kids came round into the car park and started shouting at me and coming at me with glass bottles… suffice to say I gunned the bike through them and got to the end of the road outside the pub before 2 bottles bounced off my back and bike - smashing over me and the road…

I was a little mad to say the least and told them if they where such big men they should come over to me and the bike and I’d show them what it was to be a man… at which point another 10 kids arrived on the scene… Even though I was in full kit I was a little worried about taking on 35 kids with glass bottles and god knows what else… when out comes the land lady of the Brazen head and chases them all off! How cool is she!

So now… if you come to my place of work - park at the bottom of the car park under the CCTV where we can keep an eye on the bikes in the studio…

I’ve cooled down now.

Flipin heck, wots the world coming too!!


Big warning, don’t rise to the bait. If you smack one of the little bleeders you become the bad guy. I however would have been tempted to beat the living sh** out of them (Firey temper me).

Looks like you were lucky mate. They’ll be back feeling braver the next time. Can I suggest a call to security or the police .

We have CCTV - which all of this happened in front of - so I’ve made a complaint to the police and am dubbing off the CCTV for them now - we have a good system in place so the people involved are caught in glorious 30fps technicolour and are totally identifiable… police say the kid who threw the one that hit me can be done… so I’m pushing for a prosecution.

FFS, what’s the world coming to… unfortuately Darwins theory of evolution falls down when the absolute dross of society procreate to produce yet more scum (which they seem do with enthusiasm…)

And someone thought it was good idea to stop people from smacking their kids…

Glad you’re ok fella.

This doesnt surprise me of todays society they all need a good kicking in my opinion. You see if you were to slap one of em they wouldnt think twice to lock you up quick as a flash but I bet if you called the old bill and said you were being attacked by these kids with bottles you would wait three hours and they would never show up

Thank G*d I left my bike at work in a nice secure underground car park with three barriers to get through as well as security guards. Glad you are ok mate, we def don’t need things like this going on.

Military service for little scrotes, get in to trouble as a kid get sent abroad to iraq, when old enough to be conscripted, that would soon dissaude them.

Should have given them a bucket of KFC

Should have phoned trojan and his colleagues! That is rediculous, should of done a burn-out so no one can see you hitting them whilst donuting!LOL

That’s not a nice way to end the day - hope you’re okay. We could always mount a ‘Sting’ operation next week (only joking as that would just escalate it - these little sods are bored and looking for ‘excitement’ so a row with a biker is a good thing).

Let us know what the Police say…

Little b*stards. I’m only just out of my 20s and still consider myself young (no laughing at the back!), but I’m becoming increasingly perplexed with today’s ‘youth’. It’s like the whole knife culture that seems to have crept into school society. Ten years ago when I left school, if someone wanted a ruckuss they did it with fists… now we seem to be heading down the same route as the US. Another ten years and I’m sure we’ll be having gun fights in the school yard! There was always more respect than there seems to be now too. We’d have a laugh and maybe do one or two questionable things, but there was always a line. God, I sound like my dad…

Anyway, make sure you get them done by the Police. If nothing else, then it will be a black mark against their name and the next time they’ll get pulled up for something it’ll count against them. I hope any damage to the bikes is not too bad.

Bless, they are only young! All kids like to let off a little steam now and again and I am sure they meant no harm. Bit like the 12 year old in Manchester that was shot the other day on his push bike, he was just out for a little ride at midnight!!!

And you are the winner of the year for the most common sense idea for sorting the little snots out. I’d go for conscription and then sticking them in Iraq etc… They would be able to integrate into the local communities very nicely…

That’s awful Matt, can’t believe it! Kids these days don’t have any discipline in their lives! It’s wrong, the parents… are they even parents?

the parents are egging them on or are off their heads on dope - they don’t care - hence the kids running round wild… someone in work has described them perfectly… they’re feral!

Police have been fantastic - they can’t do anything because the CCTV just shows the kids throwing the bottles but not hitting me… and because there’s no damage on the bike… BUT they know this kid and are going to pull him in - out of school no less… so I’ll see what will happen.


thats pretty scary Matt - glad to see you are ok… i have had a similar thing with a brick happen to me in SA in front of two security guards who did squat… thankfully i was in a car at the time…

These sort of things always get so complicated tho -

  1. Blame the parents but sometimes they just dont know how to deal with the kids, are out working two or three jobs, etc. or they are off their heads.
  2. Corporal punishment - hey my mom still smacks me upside the head if she feels i have gone overboard or just cos she can - the question is when is enough enough.
  3. kids running wild in the street - joined a “gang” or do not have anything to do and is forced into that sort of situation…

Enlisting the kids - I think thats a good idea and if i recall an initiative was set up by the army to do this - looking for volunteers http://www.army.mod.uk/crime_reduction/index.htm

No excuse for their behaviour tho - not at you nor for foxy

get them by themselves and the crumble faster than a crumbly thing…

they hve no back bone individually…

and what is the point of writing on Foxy’s bike!?!..if you asked them…they probably say ‘dunno’ !!! FFS!!!

can we all meet up, ride all over the area, round them up and then circle them and put them in a chain gang, go down the local fruit and veg market after it has finished, collect all the rotten stuff, the go for a public humiliation session in the local high street…?

tdm, that sounds great!

That sounds awful, glad you’re both OK. Good to see the Police are doing everything they can.