Now this might be controversial
This is not my opinion and i can’t condone the article
I forget where i read this but it was a long article on Modern Culture and the rise of the “Yob”
In bygone times we had an Empire and regularly went to war.
Whether there was conscription or just a call for people to join up many of the young men would head off to war.
Because of the nature of war at the time many of these unfortunate young men did not make it back.
The article then went on to say that a majority of the infantry were made up of men from the poorer sections of society and as many of these did not come back their behaviour and influence was kept from our streets.
The real “Hooligan” element tended to yearn for the chance to fight for King & Country and were often first in the firing line.
The point of the article was that the frequency and the the way we wage war has changed significantly and this element of society is left to grow and perpetuate the problem.
Hence all we need is a World War 1 style conflict coupled with subscription to level the playing ground
This is obviously not what any sane person would want but is an interesting opinion (which i may have horribly misrepresented as my memory is not what it was)
Marcus (AKA Big Bad OX)
sorry mate - if I do I may mess with the prosecution or whatever the police want to do - when it’s all over I will though.
I don’t care how - just get the little runts off the fecking streets and doing something productive.
'S a good idea, I think I may still have the quote for the stokcs we were gonna use for bike thieves at the ACE somewhere.
Did the pen come off of Foxy’s bike ?
“…they can’t do anything because the CCTV just shows the kids throwing the bottles but not hitting me”
Perfectly normal then
Coppers don’t show themselves in much better light than the kids!
Glad you’re OK Matt and sure Foxy’s bike’ll clean up, but that ain’t the point…
I want to point out how cool the police have been - whilst there’s no evidence of assault there’s still evidence of other stuff - as in them throwing a bottle at me (off screen) is enough to get them done for anti social - they’ve been very very helpful I can’t fault them at all.
The problem here is not the coppers - it’s the damn parents - we can’t shift the blame to the coppers when the parents allow the kids to run around like that!
Hmm, so the chain of evidence required is not there (requirements not set by Police but by the Polticians that YOU vote for and all of a sudden “Coppers don’t show themselves in much better light than the kids!”.
Sweeping statement there fella. All of a sudden as the cops who’s hands are tied heavily and have to follow specific (at times ridiculous) rules are just as bad as the kids that damaged Foxy’s bike and tried to bottle Matt … some people really do amaze me at their thinking.
Matt, sorry to hear about the little scrotes, at times I think a bit of physical contact is the only thing that some understand but in our lovely world that we live in you’d be in more poo for it than the little beggars that started it.
Foxy, hopefully all will come off, some people really do deserve a good slapping.
Nothin’ against the copper on the beat, they’re always the most helpful of people whether coming to your aid or nicking you!
It’s the fact they they can’t actually do anything because they have to jump through so many hoops just to get there let alone have an effect
These kids are a known problem and do this many times around the area every night, to fill in time between mugging pensioners and drowning kittens, and the police know it yet can do 'nowt about it even with the knowledge and evidence
“No evidence” apart from high quality CCTV in this case, eh?
Of one kid throwing 30-odd bottle at once?
Have seen both sides :
Got attacked once and locals were called
Arrived couple of hours later to the 999
Very nice chap took all the details - heck I gave his car reg. no. and name and address of him (known drug dealer just out of the clink) and his accomplice
Came back to me a month later and said they weren’t taking it any further 'cos the car was registered to someone else
Even had a further disagreement with him and they couldn’t do anything
Police were called with false accusation I had assaulted someone and damaged a car - complete fiction but I was told that in cases where violence was reported they would attend immediately
I knew nothing of this at the time
24hrs later I bumped into two coppers nearby who recognised my vehicle (not too difficult spotting the 8ft red Defender) and then proceeded to arrest me and keep me in a cell for half the evening!
They know where I live FFS!
I ended up with a formal caution for something I hadn’t done and for which there was no evidenceThat’ll teach me to co-operate and keep my vehicles in order
The kids know that the police can’t touch 'em and the coppers know themselves…
I agree with you entirely Trojan but this is how they are presented to the public who don’t see all the red tape, who just want action and protection in these sorry cases
The politicans I haven’t voted for just sit back and count and glorify the successes logged but don’t have to account for the tough stuff they just couldn’t deal with due to obstructive system and couldn’t document as failures 'cos of the same
It stinks
Sorry to hear about this, but the police prosecuting kids for throwing bottles at you??? Mate, this is ENGLAND. Plod will prob’ly wanna do you for infringing the kids human rights by recording them on CCTV without their permission, or some other PC barmyness.
My true feelings? I harbour no grudge or ill feeling to the police. The streets would be alot worse without them than they already are. Its just I have absolutely no faith in them to ever help me or be of any effective use when you really need them to be. But hey, I’m just speaking from my own personal very poor experiences with them.
Look after yerselves, keep smiling and good luck!
Wasn’t there some initiative for making the parents responsible? In other words, get them out to clear up the glass, pay for any damage etc. They’d soon keep the little sods in line then!
Probably imagined it, come to think of it, when my scooter was nicked a few years ago & two kids, 14 & 12, were caught after they crashed in front of a cop car, nothing could be done as they were under age, I got to pay the £600 for repairs, in spite of the fact that they were caught.
Make the parents do some parenting, then we might get somewhere. }
Tonup … and all I’m saying mate is that some are a bit too quick to give plod on the street a hard time when it is the system that is at fault. Ask any copper what he thinks of the Criminal Justice System and you’ll get your answer.
Bagga, I’m not that old … early 30’s but if I had been caught doing something daft, never mind nicking a scooter, in my teens then I would have got a right (deserved) kicking. It won’t happen now as smacking has been banned and a raised hand towards a kid is seen by the judicial system as an assault… f’in pathetic.
Trojan, my post was not in reply to anything you wrote matey (didnt have time to read all the posts in this LONG thread) but must say I sympathise with you and I see yer point.
You want to help…but usually cant
I want to give little buggers like this a good slapping … but I can’t !
Think you are right, the little … know they aint gonna be touched! They hang round in a gang for back up with anyone that comes back at them when they are doing something they shouldnt, if you got the sods on their own, watch and see how different they are then…like butter wouldnt … melt !!! Id like to stick em on the back of my bike with no crash helmet !!! Sometimes the parents dont even know where their kids are, let alone care !! Feel sorry for both of you, and poor ol Foxys bike, what with that moron who knocked her off her bike and didnt have the guts to go to her after, and now these little sods writing all over it ?? The REAL thing that … me off?..ok when i was younger, if we back chatted someone, they would come and give you a smack round the head and you just went home with a red ear ol !!! Even the ol bill would give you a smack…and warn you not to be caught by them again, sort of thing? days the ol bill cant do jack and the kids know that we cant either, PLUS they all carry some sort of weapon in case one of “their own” gets a hiding from someone they have just tried to have over and are coming out the worse for.
Me and other half, went to southend, few weeks back? was just getting out of the car? Some asshole came from the rear of the car, up and over the roof, and down onto the front, just walked OVER the effing car !!! Other half jumps out the car and goes over to this drunk/drugged teenager…grabs hold of him and shouts what the eff you think your doing? all of a sudden hes surrounded by 20 others girls and guys, who begin throwing glass bottles and chasing him…hes got hold of the one that did it and i see this GIRL just about to throw her bottle…so ive jumped out my side of the car and just remembered the keys left in the ignition? turns back just in time to catch this other GIRL trying to get into our car !!! Grabs her by the head, yanks her out our car, grabs the keys and shuts the door, rams keys in my jeans, and runs after this other girl with the bottle…pushed her over and takes her bottle, grabs her round the neck drags her up and ive still got her bottle, meanwhile my other half is being chased down the bloody prom, no bugger helping us but all standing around with mouths open…im about to lose it with this little … of a human being…and the police come from behind me and also up where my other half is surrounded…gets me off the cow who is shouting and swearing what she aint gonna do to me, and we then get asked to go to the station…so off we go …and find most of the “gang” standing around outside shouting at the police to let their friends go…police inside totally ignoring them …anyway we make a statement…and told we would hear from them “in due course” and that they have the whole thing on CCTV and we acted in self defence (joke)…aint heard jack yet and all we expect to hear is that they have let em go !!! The car in question cost him £40,000 and something other half has always wanted and saved for and is his pride and joy even for a P reg !! Its a Porsche 911 in immaculate condition…and did NOT require help from some c*** in boots clumping all over it !! And while we sat in it !!! What if we had taken our bikes and they jumped all over them??? Same thing would apply…but nowdays we have to worry about getting stabbed for chasing someone off our things…and if you take the knife off a kid and stab them?..your ass is inside and they are out to mug someone else with their gang !! They film everything they do now as well !!! F****RS ALL OF EM !!