My mate was telling me to get some , I’ve been riding since 16 , I’m 20 now but I do sometimes struggle to hear what people say and they say driving a motorbike can lead to losing your hearing due to factors like wind etc , is it worth getting specialised ones or just buy a pack of them , also if your buying the packet of ear plugs whats the longest period of time you can use them before a few days? , I’ve never thought about ear plugs but Im sure if I brought them my concentration would be 100 times better
never leave home without mine.
especially with a flip up lid and a noisy set of cans.
i just get the squeezy ones that expand in your ear.
Seem alright to me, usually try and change them every couple of weeks but i have a habit of losing or dropping one in crap so change them more often.
yeah same as above wouldnt ride with out them . the first time i tried them felt weird but you get used to them ’ and they stop all that horrible wind noise, But didnt cut out to much noise from chensters, exhaust pipes last night tho!
Since I started using them, I find it hard to ride without. Concentration is much better.
I use the Motrax soft ones (£6 for a bag of 26 pairs or something). They’re very comfortable I find. I tried some from boots when I lost the pair I had on me and found them less comfortable.
I usually do almost a week with a pair before I loose them or they get really dirty.
Is there a good website you could recommend that does decent ear plugs for decent prices?
Bike did a review of about 20 different varieties before Christmas last year…
I’ve still got me standard can, so don’t need them for in town, but motorway riding they’re a definite bonus!
Depends on how much your hearing is worth … you can pick up packs of cheap disposable units for a few £, or if you value your hearing, spend the money and get these:
Cost more sort term but these will last, and work much better than the throw away units.
Doesn’t say how much they attentuate the noise by. My cheap foam ones are -32dB which is pretty good.
I prefer the bog stock E-A-R yellow foam ones, use em and bin em. 100 boxes for pennies and more hygenic IMO than reusing old ear wax…yeuch!!!
I forgot to put them in a few weeks ago and my ears were ringing by the time i got home from BMM:w00t:
As I’ve got quite small ear canals and struggle to get the squishy plugs small enough to fit, I’ve been meaning to try the made-to-measure ones for quite some time now. Anyone on here used made-to-measures and able to advise on ease of cleaning etc?
Never ride without 'em, especially wearing my windy old Arai lid.
Different plugs suit different ears so get a multi-pack from either Lucy Dell or and see which suit you best, then go back to them and buy that type in bulk.
I’ve found Howard Leight earplugs to be most suited to me using the method above.
A few years back I had custom moulded ones made but I found they were slightly hard and that coupled with my habit of always chewing gum when riding - which causes the jaw to move and ear to flex a little bit - made my ears sore!
There good but its hard to hear police cars and firetrucks ect etc.
Cherie Christian (14/08/2008)
As I’ve got quite small ear canals and struggle to get the squishy plugs small enough to fit, I’ve been meaning to try the made-to-measure ones for quite some time now. Anyone on here used made-to-measures and able to advise on ease of cleaning etc?
I have a set and use then everytime I’m on the bike. Simply wash them in warm soapy water, and allow to dry naturally.
These are the best I have used. Earsoft FX…SNR39 and REALLY comfortable.
But, as others have said, best off getting a selection pack and seeing (hearing ;)) which ones you like the best.
Cannot ride comfortably without them…
Wear earplugs. You are doing serious damage to your hearing by not wearing them.
20 years old and you’re already having hearing trouble ?!? :blink:
I have Shure e4c’s which I use with my ipod. They block out the same noise levels as decent foam earplugs.
shakeyfan67 (14/08/2008)
There good but its hard to hear police cars and firetrucks ect etc.
true but what for do you need to hear them when usually you go faster than they
i use same ones as Adzski
I always use mine since putting the loud can on the Bandit, the sound seems to resonate inside my lid so it gets REALLY loud. I use the foam expanding ones.
First few times it felt odd, but felt LOVELY when removing them, sounded like you could hear in real detail !
I never leave home without them…I buy a bag of the foam type from a local supply shop…they are rated to like -35db or something? I can still hear the roar of the 1800cc V Twin with the Vance and Hines Bigshot exhaust system…but that was never the issue…it’s the wind noise that drives me crazy and they do a fun job of taking the edge right off that type of noise.
I got some dead cheap from a builders merchant, but theyre crap. My ears are ringing even worse after using them. Ill try a couple of the ones mentioned here. Thanks.
Two of my friends said these were good
but as I have to wear the foam ones at work, I have not tried them myself.