i only just started using some, i just use those ones u get on aeroplanes as they were lying around the house! really good though as it cuts out all unescessary noise…allll you really have to hear on your bike is the rev’s and police sirens
I had a set of custom molded ear plugs and to be honest, I was not all that impressed. I found that on long journeys they start moving around and letting in noise.
The ear plugs that came top in the test were Moldex ear plugs and that is what I use now. Very effective.
They make a massive different during long journeys, you arrive at your destination feeling a lot more relaxed.
Can’t actually remember what make mine are (and I’m too tired to go down to the garage to look) but they’re a very fetching fluorescent yellow and pink blend !
Thinking back, they’re the same type I got in my Bikesafe goodie bag last year.
I use the same as Adzski, but find they are a little too big for my ears and sometimes are difficult to get in.
Heard some good things about the molded ones, but as mentioned before try a few different cheaper ones before discounting them. Moulded ones at the shows are around £40.
I use them on motorways, but not around town, although thats going to change as i’m going to start wearing them whenever im on the bike - just the squshy ones! I’ve got a pair of Etymotic headphones which have the squishy bit on the end and they are great, but i dont like riding listening to music! too much going on for me!
It sounds like I use the same as Marklid: Howard Leight Laser Lite. They are yellow and pink bullet shaped expanding foam and are disposable. I think I paid £13 for 200 pairs on E-Bay – don’t get the ones that have blue plastic cord keeping them in pairs, they are horrible to use.
They don’t seem to be selling them is such large quantities anymore, but do a seach on E-Bay for laser lite and you’ll find them – they have an SNR of 35db.
Plug In, Tune off and Enjoy… one bike one machine one road ! your riding will just be some much more enjoyable ! - Ear Plugs are the only way to ride !
I use em every day, otherwise it sounds like concord is flying around inside my lid on the motorway !!! I use Max Lite disposable foam plugs (green ones). Voted best buy in a RIDE magazine pole. Can pick them up cheap from web or ebay. Pretty comfy too ! If you’re suffering with hearing you should really give some a go.
It is wind noise does the most damage to your hearing as already said. It is constant, loud, and very difficult to get away from.
At high speeds you will find that wind noise is well over 100 db, even when wearing a helmet. Wearing a helmet cuts the noise by only about 3 db, and then only if it is at least a 3/4 shell and properly fitted. (An improperly fitted helmet actually INCREASES wind noise) ONE HOURS of exposure to 110 db will damage your hearing. At 115 db it takes only 15 MINUTES. The damage is relentless, irreversible, and cumulative.
I use Alpine Moto-Safe ones, then you can be in my club
They have swappable inserts that attenuate more/less of the sound and you can still hear yourself think.
Converted. The voice of reason, treason…no hang on…
Unfortunately I found that out too late. I have hearing damage from younger years working with bands, mixing live gigs, supplying nightclub sound systems. Young and stupid we didn’t know the risks, it was all a laugh. The louder the better. My ears used to ring for a day afterwards . . . didn’t realise the ringing was damage to the nerve, not repairable and only compensated for by the brain. After a while the ringing doesn’t stop