Donington Roll Call

Righto, as there are 5 pages of the other thread, I thought I’d just gather together who’s going and when as there seems to be a little contignent of LB’ers going.

I think we are all pretty much going at different times, but shall we all gather for a convoy back down the M1?

Ok here goes :

BigSV (Possibly Saturday, deffo Sunday)

Grimbusa (Sunday)

Debz (Sunday)

Jonny-zero (Sunday)

Grid-girl (Sunday)

Mumg1 (Camping Sat & Sun)

Adam H (Camping Sat & Sun)

ChristophH (Camping Sat & Sun)

Lustfish (Possibly Sat, Camping & Sun)

Wiggy (Possibly Sat, Camping & Sun)

Topgooner (Sunday, leaving ace at 8 a.m)



Let me know and I’ll add ya names.


Looks like it is the car for us as there are three of us & Debz bike is sick

What about a designated meeting point & time to meet at Donington for those of us that want to meet up & watch the races together

It’s not a ride out mate, it is the first WSB race in the UK this year, of which there are three (Silverstone and Brands to come).

Just a few LB’ers going so just seeing who wants to meet up.

If you want to go, you’ll have to get tickets on the day at the race circuit as ticketmaster are saying there are none left now.

I’ll already be up there, but once others have arranged when and where they’re leaving from, and you want to go, come and join us.

Car I dont mind helping out with a pillion fella, but it would involve them coming up to leeds with me and getting lashed (just kiddin).

Seriously though, if there is a way to work it, and you want to go on the bike, I will try and help out. Plus you wont get stuck in the traffic after, as by the sounds of it, this is going to be worse than the MotoGP.

Will look at a map of the circuit later and will try and sort a meeting spot out. My bro in law is mad about that circuit so he might be able to provide advice on that.

Cheers for the thought - we could send Rob to Leeds but at 15 he might cramp your style or show you how its done

We cant go without him - he is a keen race fan so the car it is hopefully the campers will provide a barbecue & entertainment whilst we wait for the car parks to clear

My Dad races there and said Craner Curves from the inside is good but he doesnt tend to spectate much so your brother would have a much better idea. I guess they have screens now like Silverstone ?

Sorry dude! Still not sure as not wanting to run down there with no hope of a ticket…

More likely show me how it’s done mate. I am not out drinking, but the offer is there anyway if I can help somehow.

Last time I went to Donny was a few years back for the GP and there weren’t any screens, but things have been developed since then, so hopefully for the better. Couldn’t get passed the paddock as they had shut the whole area off, had to walk around the whole circuit just to get to the other side and they weren’t letting people on the infield.

Will check out where’s good.

I think there will be tickets on the door mate, false economy if they let everyone have them at the reduced price. Ticketmaster probably only gets a certain number, the rest reserved on the day.

Think Lusty is going on sat, so am sure she’ll let you know.


Yes I am, you’re quite right. MacP: If I manage to get some in my hot little hands, I will give you a buzz and see if you want me to get you one for Sunday!

[fingers crossed]

Fan cue!

just the sunday for me… leaving ace about half 8.

there will definatly be tickets on the gate!! just wouldnt be right if there wasnt!! had the same thing with ticketmaster at a few events!

i’m not looking forward to traffic while leaving on sunday, but i’ve got to sacrifice the bike for the bbq!!

see you all there!

Has a meeting place been decided yet??

Look out for me n GG . . . we’ll be dressed in bike gear . . .

I’ll be the one wearing the bike gear also, and a pink carnation!

Will try and sort something out re meeting place. Those going on the sunday, PM each other and sort out a meeting place to travel together. Topgooner already mentioned 8am at the Ace.

Will update later with a meeting place.

Change of plan !! We will now be going in a hire car not my car as some kind lady in a volvo 4x4 rear ended us last night with much force - another classic car off the road forever

We are ok - whiplash injury but nothing to stop us going to Donington in a free hire car

Was it one of those C70’s that hit you? Bloody monsters those things ( I want one )

Glad you guys are ok mate and see you on sunday. Hope your hire car is ok, it is a license to rev limit in every gear!

What was your car?

It was an XC90 - looked big enough anyway

We were in a Rover SD1 V8 - 1984 which now has zero door gap and the back end moved across a couple of inches

XC90, that’s what I mean, C70 is the sexy new convertible, want one of those too (am I really saying I want volvo’s, I must be getting old)

Glad you’re ok fella. Bro has come up with a plan for donny, will sort it out later. Trouble is, all the maps are in PDF and this site wont upload them

For anyone who’s bothered, there is a small MCN gathering after the second race at the dunlop bridge. I am probably going to meet a few peeps never met before.