Can somebody please help! Looking for a bike ride!

ianxv, yeah man, that looks comfy. If you got an LCD screen on the back of your lid I could happily sit on the back of that for hours.

Awwww…Louise you look really sweet in that picture…

Like a lil’ sis that I’d put roller blades on and then strap to the back of my bike.

Hey, what about if you girlies give her a pillion ride to Southend?

Baz if you feel old you may as well close the lid on me now


Offer to take a pillion - have you seen my rear seat? It’s not a seat, it’s a luggage rest!

Besides going pillion is no fun… it’s just an excuse to try other bikes

LOUISE: GET A BIKE OF YOUR OWN… go on girl, you know you want to…

OK and I’ll put a coffee maker in one of the bags


She Wolf 38dd is around and well as you have seen her yourself at the Ace… you are just not too aware of who she is… other LB members have met her before and after…

I know 38DD she does exist its just that she has a life outside of LB, does this mean the more post’s that you have mean your more of a londonbiker?

yes!! lol…

No, just means we dont have much of a life elsewhere


I was told by a reliable source it was a male LB’er playing a joke.

Perhaps you’d like to remind me who 38dd is.

I think perehaps now that you have been given the information that a humble apology just might be in order, not quite becoming for a host,

Well, Shewolf (anyone know if the wolf is part of the dog family…only i seem to think so for some reason?) thank you for your ever considerate comments…you know…the ones where you called me a ‘Wind Up’.

So, as i gather you are a LB Host? Now, thats the only wind up i see! Not only did you never once welcome me to LB when i joined…but…Now you feel the need to post stupid commens like that!

Well i guess considering you obviously dont get out much, i shouldnt be that pissed with you, or your thoughtless remarks i’ll just pity your stupidity instead.

Okay so i will see you all at the next newbie meeting, and as for you shewolf i have to say im particularly looking forward to meeting you, as i have a few choice words to say to you. Can i make a suggestion though? I think that being that you are an LB Host you should keep your catty comments to yourself, and in all honesty i dont see how you can be called a ‘Host’ what a ****ing Joke!

Anyway…cheers weeannie and Jay! xx

Lets not be like that!

SheWoolf has always been very friendly and welcoming to me, especially at meets as I nearly always go on my own. I’ve not seen any catty remarks but I do believe that somethings posted on here can be taken out of context and read wrong. I do remember reading that it was suggested 38DD was a wind up, the post I read wasnt posted by Sheewolf, but thought Id just wait and see that person proved wrong when 38DD turns up at a meet.

Also maybe at meets Sheewolf was busy introducing other people and you were with another host, and thats why you werent introducted etc. SheWoolf does get out and about a lot, in fact she would go to the opening of an envelope bless her!

Ive not met you 38DD, but welcome to the site and hope to see you soon

Joolz x

hey joolz, thanks for that, however She Wolf has met her on many occasions, like I said before she is just not aware of who she is… I see why you would defend She Wolf however she has been clearly told by me and Jaymbee that she exists so why continue the silliness…?


Thanks Joolz…nice to have some positive encouragement! To be honest ive been to the Ace a few times and ive never been welcomed by Shewoolf, not that ive ever expected it, But upon realising that she is supposed to be a host i found it quite ridiculous!

Anyway, look forward to meeting you!

Jeni x

i can vouch that 38dd is real and a very lovely lady!!

as it goes i also want to stipulate that some of us havent the resurses ect to have bikes but that shouldont make us any less of a team and freindly group!!

so can we all just try and get along,please!!

if u dont like somebody sort it with them personaly not with the rest of us!!

hope u lot didont mind me saying that!!! sorry!!

Thanks for that Gina! Hope your well!



So are we resorting to you calling me a dog, woof bloody woof, lol.

On a serious note before things really do get bitchy, if you are for real I genuinly apologise. I can admit if I make a mistake. I honestly was told that you were a wind up invented by another LB member. It wouldn’t be the first and I’m sure not the last.

If I have met you and ignored you I apologise (again :ermm but as most people will tell you I make a particular effort to make everybody feel welcome.

You say you can’t wait to meet me to have a few choice words but weeannie says we’ve already met

As I’ve met Weeannie, Adamsky and Jayembee a few times, I’m quite suprised that any of you think I would ignore somebody on purpose.

Yes, i said i cant wait to meet you properly beacuse any other time i have been in your company i might aswell have been meeting an inanimate garden tool!

Anyway, thanks for the apology but i think you need to be a little more considerate in future with regards to newbies because im sure that if it wasnt for the fact that im very good friends with a few of the LBers then i wouldnt have given a second look after reading that! And i am sure that putting people of LB isnt the plan!

Whoa… if there is going to be any catfights, please can we just add a paddling pool and some mud?

Anyways - want to put a positive She Woolf post in, she has always been very friendly to me and anyone else at the meets, on any meet there can be times when you get chatting on one side of the room, and miss the other people on the other, and you dont meet/chat/etc, thats probably all that happened…