Camping easter weekend + big LB meet

add a +1 coming with me too

Cor, Me Groovy’s pulled! :w00t: Get photos up after the event:D

Bump!! :slight_smile:

Bungee cords are the way forward! Wait till u guys see the GSR SuperTourer :smiley:

Tesco has a special on their camping chairs. 5 pounds for a foldaway chair with a beer holder :smiley: that’s super cheap and gives u more cash for beer :slight_smile:

Are you going in a car? lol

How do, long time no see!

I’m in - I need to practice putting my tent up and riding up dodgy lanes.

This trip looks wicked, I’m thinking of cancelling the Germany trip and coming with you guys:w00t:

Am I think only one thinking of getting a room instead of actually camping? :frowning:

Jaime, if you want this trip to be even more wicked, let Claire deal with the ride outs :smiley: and take a few benches with you:w00t:

Sadly I am house clearing out of London that weekend and getting ready to put it on the market, so no camping that weekend :frowning:

Enjoy though - sure you will! Don’t frighten the locals or get on the wrong side of the local constabulary;)


noooooo! hels you must come!

Yes I remember my last great camping trip with great fondness - including Herr Schmidt and various other being sick all night in a random farmers field because they had drunk more than 2 pints each, Shane going on and on about animal porn, Kevsta taking a photo of a ghost, which looked like a finger smudge on the camera and us all having a lovely time :D:D

Easter weekend is out, because it’s the only weekend my sister and I can be at the house together and we have hired a skip, so we need to be there to ensure that it doesn’t get filled up with loads of other old junk from the local community, so much as i would love to, I cannot!

I would have indeed been most interested to have joined you and your +1, Me Groovy, but alas, it is not to be.

When I have got all this sorting out out of the way my weekends will then be free for fun and games:)

I was the only one sick that night ^^ well, not sick, just probably too much beer & vodka :wink:

@Rob, you only want to cancel Germany now because you’re afraid what I’ll do to you nights…

This time next week…we’ll all be hangin! :smiley:


If there is anyone that wants to drive up and camp, thats cool. there are also dorms to sleep in if camping isnt your thing.

I vote a meet at Blackheath Tea Hut by 10am in the morning, (Leave for 10h30) to ride down there :slight_smile:

anyone welcome:D

I think the only hangin you’ve been doing is round Jaime too much:w00t::smiley:

Ur well jell! Hahahahahhahaha

Haha, if that means what I think it means then “yep”:smiley:

That’s ok mate. I can give u some man lovin !! :smiley: