I’ve booked to be in intermediates after feeling “held up” at many points on my evening session a couple of weeks back. I’ve just realised that when asked how many trackdays I’d done I wrote “1” on the form but technically I’ve only done 1/2!
I’m thinking I’ll be more able to find my limits alongside the faster pace of the Intermediate riders; I just hope I’m now not the one holding everyone up! :w00t:
Welcome aboard Frogga. Not sure what happened to you before but to get Graham Hill right needs accuracy to hit the late apex and confidence in the front end of the bike to do this. Nothing a bit of practice won’t fix. You’ll need to get most of the turn finished before you get to the apex so you can get a good drive out. Graham Hill also catches out a lot of riders who don’t give their tyres time to warm up, the only other left turn is Surtees so the left side of the tyre will take longer than the right to get up to a ‘working’ temperature.
Definitely sounds like you’re ready for ‘Inters’ Tom, those lean angles must have scared the novices.;)I’ll be on my CBR600 too, trying to emulate your crash bung surfing but without crashing:D
Hahaha! They scared me a bit too!I’ll be in touch about the possibility of instruction; would be great to have your input on at least one session, looks like I’m at the back of a long queue of LBers though!!! Tell you what - I’ll let you in on my secret trick to crash bung surfing if you share some of your trackcraft!
I’ll definitely get out on track with ‘Tinkering on the edge Tom’ need to witness this for myself.A bit of good news is that i’m now available for a one to one tuition if you want to up your game a wee bit more and speed up that steep learning curve.
yup i was 2 or 3 laps into the session and the back stepped out big(it felt big to me). i will be using tyre warmers this time found they give me alot more confidence straight outof the gate. it would be good if icould have you guide me round for a couple of laps b;)
I never try to go too quick from the off but build up progressively to get the brakes, suspension and brain up to speed as well as assessing the track conditions and bike…ooh I sound all sensible…ignore all the above:w00t:;)We’ll get a few laps mate;)