Blonde or Brunette?

Tim your happy if they dont have a purple rinse and own teeth nowadays mate, and if they get to lav under own steam thats a bonus :D:D

Being blonde doesnt give me much of a chance now does it? Maybe i should dye my hair? lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Well I’ve now gone blonde, well blonde ish, its a work in progress!

Said I would get into mischief whilst Chaos is away haha

Why do so many blonde women dye their roots brown?:smiley:

Do the collar & cuffs match :smiley:

and the tache!!!

You’ve been dating some rough girls if the collars, cuffs, and tache don’t match!!!

if you only knew kevs :w00t:

got to be brunette, due to the wife being brunette and if I dared say blonde then I will be cooking my own dinner :w00t:


Blonde, brunette or redhead.

Don’t care as long as they grope well. :smiley:

Ah Kev…nothing like a good grope is there :stuck_out_tongue:

Evening All, long time no post :slight_smile:

No they dont :w00t:

Brunette FTW

No way, clammy hands, tracing paper skin with freckles all over the shoulders… urgh

What about adding an option to say “I’m easy” ?


ill have two of each please :slight_smile: {yes ime sick and wrong }:wink: