Bike for sale at grand less than book price

Now that you’re not going to buy, perhaps you could post a link? Maybe someone else would like a shot! :slight_smile:


…and what make/model/price???:smiley:

I’m gonna make some enquiries - if I’m definitely not interested then I’m open to pms on the subject.

I’m not going to publicise the name of the outfit because it wouldn’t be fair - all I can go on is a bit of stuff I picked up off the net - for all I know it could be a really good place and I don’t want to libel them.

Please forgive me for this thread being so long - I never intended it to be - I just wanted other peoples perspectives on the subject.

To be fair - unless your a mechanical genius - I think it’s only human to feel a bit of trepidation and want some advice about buying a bike which is much cheaper than it should be from a place which you are not sure about.