The post code (RM5 2BH) puts you down the road a bit. Just find the Whalebone Road North on the A12 junction, if your coming from London (heading East), turn left when you see the Moby Dick Pub on the right at the lights. Whalebone Road North and Collier Row Rd is the rounderbout!

Blast from the past !! Hope you’re well fella !
Won’t be there myself tomorrow due to kid duties unfortunately, but plan to show me face soon :wink:

BTW what are the different routes ? Can’t remember the routes I took as a BCR group in the past, but on my jax I usually turn right at the end of B184 then around Great Dunmow towards Finchingfield - but Hofty tells me there is another way ?

On a side note, if you turn right at the end of B184 then instead of left round the roundabouts towards Great Dunmow you go straight on towards Chelmsford you get some very nice open straights in which you can stretch your bike’s legs so to speak :wink:

Have a good ride tomorrow folks.

Hi Mark!

Shame you’re not with us.:frowning:

We turn left when the B184 hits the B1060 and pick up the B183. The BCR does occasionally turn right, normally when MoonshineZZR pushes to the front and we stop at that junction to regroup. Sometimes we stay on the 1060 and turn off at the first set of lights and cut back through Chignal Smily or whatever its called, then throught to How Street, Little Waltham back towards GT Dunmow.

If you like long straight roads turn right at the big rounderbout in Ongar (The 4Wantz). Head to Chelmsford that way and its very straight…The BCR dont do straight roads really!:stuck_out_tongue:


Gotta help me out here, new to the site. I fancy a ride out but dont have a clue what , where or why BCR is ? sounds like i should though, cheers

Morning Fella, Mad Dog stayed on the track all day, but i took the scenic/gravel trap route twice, but luckily stayed upright:D…The pace was extremely brisk by the afternoon sessions, and the Moto boys started to have a private tear up which was good to be involved in;)…And im sure there are a lot more Sportsbike riders out there who believe Supermoto riders really are Mentally Unstable:):slight_smile:

Hi All,

Few picks from the meet up point, before my pre-mature departure due to tyre failure.

So had to crawl back doing around 30-40mph while keeping the bike cranked over.
Got to the end of my road and had to let it rip, no use keeping it. :smiley:










looks like you’ll get at least one more track day out of that tyre:P


What a shame. That was just before the ride settled down too… Great ride out, thanks gang!:cool:

Great BCR once again. Cheers all.

Not sure what happened at the end, I turned right with your mates, Sneaky, Jack and VFR and we ended up in Epping Forrest, so appologies if you thought Id just buggered off. A great days riding.

Top days riding today, really enjoyed it. Cheers George. And well done to George for not breaking your leg again while I was riding with you. :slight_smile:

Felt a bit rusty as I hadn’t ridden for about a month before today, but soon got into the swing of it once I’d warmed up.

Note to self, fully vented leathers & gloves make you cold first thing in the morning.

T’was good. Sorry, I was holding you up in the corners Moto. Was having to brake early and lightly as Mrs McC was sliding off the front of the seat and getting wedged between me and the rear seat hump!:smiley: .

Maybe ‘straight’ was a bad choice of phrase :blush: I meant more open sweeping bends, makes a nice change after the tight end of the B184. Long straight roads bore me after a while, but it’s nice to crank the speedo up a bit for a while !

Just been out for a little run as far as the end of the B184 and back, there were some seriously fast riders out today - I wasn’t exactly hanging about but a few times they just flew past me ! Saw some frightening overtakes too :pinch:

Hello m8. Glad you got some in!:wink: The B184 goes up at least to Saffron Waldon. Thats very fast up there. Too fast for the Retards but we do do that leg when we’re early for the cafe. Perhaps we should put that leg back in the ride sometime?

Doh I really am being a spaz this weekend - just checked on the map, didn’t realise it carried on past the T junction on the way to Leading Roding. I meant as far as the T junction.
I’m gonna take myself offline for the rest of this weekend before I reduce my credibility even further !!

Did the B183 up to Felchingfield about 3pm and then 1057 up to Steeple Bumstead by myself:crying: Would have loved to been with Sneaky and Co but had to sleep after working all night.Still had a grin though(some flash sod had his Desmosedici at F/Field:w00t:)

Forgot to ask - Sneaky how was the R1 on the BCR ??

My daughter and i had a great day at Brands and she can`t wait to go again.

indeedy a good ride out chaps!!:slight_smile:

Whos the guy in the LB hoody with 46 on? I saw him today at Brands!!

I wanted to go on this rideout when I saw the thread late last night but think I’m the wrong side of the river to get there too early and didn’t have a clue where it was.

Maybe next time…

That must of been Ratty.