BCR - Sunday 22 May

Haha well played mate!

Yeah Gavin, you joining?

Yeah Gavin…

Got a message from saying he’s going to BSB


Read on mate…

Think I may join you for my first proper BCR…if I get out of bed on time :wink:

I’ll be taking it especially easy then😁

Haha, you’ll be fine… :wink:

Phuckin'ell, all The BCR old stagers are coming out of the woodwork. Big AllanJ is on the other thread. SneakyMcC
Haven't had the pleasure yet Sneaky (Jarrod and KTMJames were singing your praises), but was thinking I hadn't seen AllanJ on here for a while.

Watching the hooligan arrive at the BCR roundabout was inspiring!


Singing my praises? :alien: Do you have the right Sneaky? :laughing:

Unless someone borrowed The Riot!

Sorry guys I’m jumping ship. Have fun and remember “the early worm catches the bird”

What was you saying about excuses!? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m in, see you around 8 - 830
Having shit luck this week, bcr should be interesting :slight_smile:

thanks to JAX for the puncture repair kit earlier today, got it plugged couple of hours ago and test ride all seems good, couldn’t leave me bikeless on a Sunday haha :slight_smile:

Sorry, jumping to the full day…the BCR will have to wait a little longer :wink:


Singing my praises? :alien: Do you have the right Sneaky? :laughing:

Although you once said you have lost all respect for me, hell its the way i ride bro............the riot and yourself is what gives the BCR its legendary ride. And that my friend is what brings all riders that want that somethings special to the BCR, and we are wiling to travel long and wide to be there. I prey the BCR will keep the rep of what free spirit riding is about, because its the only ride out where people can practice there freedom of riding. And this should be the foundation of the BCR.

Live long the BCR!! 

@ktm James

I said I’d lost respect for you? I don’t remember even thinking that, let alone saying that? :fearful:

Dam James, those are some inspirational words to read just before the ride haha

This should be engraved into the roundabout

On my way. Waiting for Jax…

