Anyone recognise this rider?

“Gay” is not a pejorative.

Nothing nosey about it if you ask me…guy rides like a twat on public roads and endangers others, he gets outed and shamed. If he wants to ride fast, he should go to a track where the only person he’s likely to kill is himself.

Is this you’re Bike…

I think this is more you’re style…

Please stop hurting me!

I mean it. It’s almost physically painful to see you write “you’re” instead of “your”.

haha, don’t mind getting f*cked by one!


This thread is STUPID WITH pics :wink:

Not the first time he’s been complained about on LB, seem to recall he’s a Brazillian courier (someone on LB knows him) and his work is based around Clerkenwell Road. Rides like a complete cock, will ride right up the arse of anyone slower, revving the nuts off his bike, once saw him miss a pedestrian on a zebra crossing by inches when he went round the outside of a bus at speed.

Oh yeah that eastern eupopean, brazilian who rides like a nutter with camo trousers getting his knee down… Must have hard knees…

Your pictures are getting old!! :doze:

Ok here’s a new one…

If he has been around for a few years he could well be the guy I punched off his bike at a set of lights on the Pentonville Road .Maybe not the smartest course of action to take but he made me angry and I dont get angry cos I dont like being angry so that made me more angry :angry:

Yeah that sounds like a very big if…

and when you do you turn into this

Nah, NumNum turns blue, with a hint of tartan. :smiley: