Yo momma...

Yo momma is so fat, that when she wears high heel shoes, she strikes oil where ever she goes.

Yo mamma so ugly even Bob the Builder cant fix it.

Yo Mamma has raised you from infancy and probably deserves better than to be made fun of.

She fucked your dad though.

Yo mamma so ugly even Bob the Builder cant fix it. brains_t
Haha, 10/10. This is amazing!

yo momma’s so fat I swerved to avoid her and ran out of petrol

daaaaamn this is 9 years old. I feel old now :frowning:

Yo momma’s so fat when I finished banging her I rolled over twice and I was still on her…

Yo momma’s so fat she needs cheat codes for Wii Fit.

Yo momma sooooo phat


Yo momma’s so fat, she got baptized at Sea World.

Yo momma’s so fat, her knickers covered the Millennium Dome

Yo Momma so fat she has her own post code

Yo momma’s so stupid, she got tangled up with the cordless phone.

Yo mamma is so fat, the only good grade she got in school was an “A” in lunch.