yesterday practise

Vid of yesterdays practise

My first day properly trying seat standers

<A onclick=“urchinTracker (’/outgoing/http_www_youtube_com_watch_v_Xb_8umow5sU’);” href=“” target=_blank>

oh an tim scraped and rode it out for first time yesterday,

Ive nearly been on the bike for 4 months now:w00t:

teach me teach me please please please …:smiley:

My kids enjoyed that, they said WOW

You deflate rear tire, that’s cheating!!! :crazy:

Bump! :Whistling:

Nice video. :hehe:

Very nice, wish I could do stuff like that…

Hmmm not really. Just makes things more stable.

Or you could say my big sprocket, dented tank, hand rear brake are cheating:P If it wasnt for all those mods we would be doing 60mph wheelies on a 1000, and how unsafe is that:P:P

This way, the bike wont slid for 100+ foot IF we fall:hehe:

so there!!:P:P:P lol

Cheers guys, and the kids say wow comment made me smile:)

well done joe