Yesterday at TTS

Had my car up with Richard on the rolling road to get some basic mapping done, now the cooling system seems capable of doing its job. Managed to get 230bhp at the wheels before we ran out of injector, it’s got 480cc injectors which I thought would have been enough but it needs 680’s. Still, 230 at the wheels at 8000rpm isn’t bad for a first lean run, there’s some timing to add back in (running 22 degrees atm) plus more fuel plus another 3000rpm to go. The cams should give peak power at 10500 or so which will be about spot on for 1.1 bar of boost. Not bad for a 1299cc busa engine

Give us a go mister

Sounding promising with those figures

I’ll bring it to a meeting once it’s done in a week or so, you can have a drive. It’ll be lively but probably no faster than your bike

What have you got? Im looking at a pretty mad Smart / 'Busa cross breed… Ferrari beating speeds at fiat beating prices

It’s a Dax Rush, I was looking for some pics but they’re all on my laptop at TTS, I’ll post somethig this weekend.