there was a Yellow R1 at the bridge on friday with an LB sticker on the screen - was it you?
That can be Flatout!
There were 2 ‘unique’ Yellow R1’s but Flats didn’t see the other one…
The one with a sticker was Flatout’s - it also has a very bright headlight!
and a disco at the back. Am Jealous.
Oooooooooo does Flatout have an admirer ?
Tell all !
I think his bike does…
having never met him, i’d have to say no…but i’m sure he’s lovely being an LB member and all…
nice bike tho!
I do admire his lights and some of his riding but thats as far as my hetro love will stretch.
He is a lovely bloke - disco lights and all!
You can easily spot him - he wears a yellow jacket and a yellow lid and he’s the one who’s not looking at the other Yellow R1…
Well I’ve never ever heard him being called ‘lovely’ before but I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.
Nah, he is a very nice chap and has probably one of the best sense of humours on LB … as well as a lovely bike in a horrible colour.
well ninja girl, yeah it would have been me and my R1 and yes im a lurvley chap
and thanks for your comments guys its good to know i have some people on here that value a young and blossming friendship…
Flatster you must be a decent bloke mate as they’re all talking about you
Hows it going Rog, yeah i must be, sometimes to decent, its good to know im appreciated in my time of need
I suppose your all right
only joking!!!
That flatout…
He’s a very very nice man!
A very, very ,VERY nice man !!!
big up my chest
Westside massive…
Spotted Em
I saw one up by the bridge and thought 'aah, there’s Flatout’s bike ’ then wandered further and saw another
Not too often you spot one let alone two within 100 yards of each other
Didn’t see ‘the man’ tho’
mines better