
Hi I’m a newbie. Apologies for not doing a proper intro yet - I’ll try and do that soon. I bumped (not literally) into a chap on a DRZ yesterday evening on my way home from work (just going south over Blackfriars bridge - I was on my wife’s bmw at the time). I explained I was having trouble finding somewhere in London that would service my XR400. He said there was an XR dealer in London somewhere, then I turned off. I noticed his www.londonbikers.com sticker though so thought I’d pop here and try and re-contact him. Of course if anyone else knows of somewhere in London (pref SW) where I might be able to get my XR serviced I would be very grateful.



Hi there and welcome…

poke poke poke with the newbie stick…

the fella you talking about is LondonDRZ

not sure where u can tho…



I recommend AJ Motorcycle Services. They’re based just outside Dorking and if that’s too far they can pick up and return your bike.
Speak to Andy on 01306 710400.



Thanks for such speedy replies

Hey Sim, welcome to LB! Hope you hang around. How about posting up a pic of your XR in the Pictures forum?