I (sorry my friend)received his mid year review and some of the documented feedback was wrong.
My friend advised that this was incorrect and should be removed or amended with further information.
My friend’s manager advised that he’d email the VP and advising.
My friend’s manager didn’t email the VP but had an informal chat with them.
My friend’s manager advised my friend that the VP was aware and there was, “no action required.”
My friend contacted the VP advising that the feedback was incorrect and should be removed or amended with further information.
The VP emailed my friend that it should really be a 3 way conversation and that he, “does not believe this requires follow up.”
My friend emailed the VP advising that the follow up is that the feedback is incorrect and should be removed or amended with further information.
The VP advised this would be raised with HR.
The VP escalated this to the HR director (no documentation).
Today is a good day.
My friend is just looking for a sense check or to hear if anyone else has gone through similar. The Director meeting is today.
What is in writing, must be revised in writing.
Picture the situation where all of the people presently involved have been replaced, and then all you have is the original document.
Yeah definitely not a good place to be, sounds like you have followed correct course of action, however I would get an informal opinion through relevant government helpline for employees which name escapes me.
I don’t know how it is in your friend’s place but in ours we use workday, and I’m pretty sure there is a box for you to record your summary. And my manager would always send it back to me for me to review before we hit submit
I agree that writing stays, verbal is forgotten so good to get it recorded. Especially as this will be basis for year.end reviews.
What is unclear from your friend’s situation is how materially incorrect the feedback is and whether it is subjectively or objectively wrong. As in, is the feedback so wrong that it could be the start of a Personal Improvement Plan or just a matter of goodish Vs very good performance.
I’ve been in a situation where no matter what I did,the feedback was always turned around against me(first in my mid year reviews and then in year end and objective setting)) as the company wanted to move people out without paying redundancies. Funnily enough once enough people had left, it stopped but by that point I had decided to leave and found somewhere else. So if there is something underhand happening, it may be your friend’s signal to move elsewhere.
The reason I mention this above example is simply cause escalating it had the opposite effect. In my case HR backed the senior director and just made things worse.
So it was implied that his goals were only met due to being reminded (subtle criticism on time management - he has an audit trail to prove otherwise) and it was noted that he consciously circumvented a procedure on two occasions (he has evidence to show the contirary).
I don’t think it was foul play initially. I think the inexperienced manager was trying to show that they were adding value.
Well time for an update. The HR director sat on it for a year, despite being chased 4 times then advised that he’d spoken to the manager who advised the feedback was correct so no changes would be made. This was then escalated to a VP and finally it was agreed that a document could be attached with a written objection as they cannot update the HR system. What a farce.
They asked my friend why it mattered to him. Apparently wanting feedback to reflect reality wasn’t a good enough reason.
Sounds like a right farce and unwillingness to do anything… I mean a year on, does anyone even remember things. I’ve been through 3 restructures since then
Even if it got updated I’ve now found the new ‘trend’ of ‘calibration’… A mystical process where HR and some senior figures convene and ‘objectively’ re-assess people’s ratings to make it ‘fair’.
How they do this, no one knows but I believe it involves the slaughter of a lamb and the smoking of oregano and thyme rolled cigarettes.
Their argument was, “Your overall rating was ok. Why are you fixated on this?”
The fact that it was inaccurate and in some cases simply untrue weren’t a concern. I couldn’t let that go though.
With hindsight I should have just sent an email to my manager ccing HR highlighting all the issues and left it at that. That’s still a record and would have saved a year or BS.