Why the Ifone is the ultimate phone

Downloaded a application called colorsplash on the ifone for 59 pence and transfered it to fb this is the sort of thing you can do , this is my younger bro on hday what you guys think?

I would say he needs to work on his tan he is looking a bit grey

The iPhone is far from the ultimate device, it’s not about what software it has. IPhone is not the best hardware out there.

There’s a very good chance when someone (if they haven’t already) writes this app for Android, it will probably be free…

HTC Hero all the way! :slight_smile:

What’s got better hardware?

The Motorola Droid is the first Android device to match the iPhone’s processor, I don’t know about the rest. The Pre is a sort-of match, too, I think, but lacks the large application market.

Nothing that can’t be done better in photoshop, but either way, Iphone camera’s are also very crap.

I have a 3G-S and think its the dogs, but the camera really lets it down.
I personally don’t mind though as the camera is pretty much the last thing I want on a phone, otherwise I would have bought something else.

Show me someone that’s had one of the other real contenders and prefers the iPhone…? Most, that know about these things and try something like the Hero know it’s a better device.

The iPhone does have a much larger app store, of course. Because it is the device that people get if they don’t really know about these things, it has a much larger market share, so when people are looking to write a mobile app, they write it for the iPhone first :frowning:

I know of several, but none of them are members on here. Of course, whether the hero counts as a ‘real contender’ to the iphone is open to some debate.

This helps, yes. But it’s also far and away the best specced device of its type on the market (except the new Droid), the best supported, the most consistent and the most stable. The incredibly restrictive apps store is atrocious from the perspective of freedom, but if you only want stuff that just works, it’s substantially better than the Android app store. And if you want freedom you’ll not be going anywhere near Google.
The iPhone OS does several things substantially better than Android does - including all of Google’s products. I don’t know if 1.6 has an MS Exchange client by default, but the one in Cyanogen isn’t as good as the one in the iPhone.

Have you seen the size of the apps store for Android? There’s millions of them. Many of them are poorly written, but that’s what you get for dictating that people use java - students.

You guys are right about the iPhone camera being the worst bit, but its good enough to look alight on the phones display for haring with mates at a pub.

I’ve played with the Droid and own a iPhone 3GS and the apple just feels better. Some of my mates have the HTC and brag about its open source apps and new layout schemes, but some of them are so complicated they need some real reading to get them to work the way they were intended to. Where as apple idiot proof thier apps before putting them out.

I guess i am just an apple fan boy but i really think they own the market on hand held mp3 related gadgets. The only thing wrong with it is that everyone and thier 5 kids have iPhones, so they have somewhat lost that special exclusivity.

Hm, I’ve had the opposite experience - I find that a lot of the apps for 'droid are over-simplified to the point of being crippled, especially the ones from Google. I don’t think I’ve yet found anything overcomplicated, and not a lot that I’d consider feature-complete.

Given it won mobile of the year over the iPhone, in the impartial T3 awards, I would suggest it is.

Tbh, I’m not getting drawn into another of these arguements with Apple fan boys :stuck_out_tongue:

+1While the contenders are nice, I still have yet to use one (and i’ve used a few) that has the instant intuitiveness of the iphone.

I’m not even an apple fan - tried to avoid them for years and own a PC, but had a go on a mates iphone and was sold.
While the opensource of the Hero etc lends itself to some great apps, theres also no quality control, and so many apps are buggy and poorly written.

I don’t have anything against the others as we all prefer different things, so I disagree with the statement that the iphone is the ultimate phone. I do however think its a cracking bit of kit and certainly one i’ll be sticking with for a good while yet.

AndyCr15 (02/12/2009)

Big Red S (02/12/2009)

Apple fanbois? You’ve clearly not head me proselytizing my G1. :wink:

I don’t get along with the iPhone’s intuitiveness - it’s the same logic as in OSX and that gets me, too. I am very picky on my user interfaces, though.
And this isn’t that the iPhone’s or OSX is crap or anything, it’s just not something I find comfortable. I tried one out for a while, and while it ticked nearly all the technical boxes, it just didn’t feel ‘right’ ever.
Also, the iPhone requires access to a PC running Windows or OSX, and I have neither, but there’re probably ways round that.

The G1’s lovely for tinkering, though, once you get past google’s ‘openness’…

You like the G1? Have you tried the G2 then?

There was no way I was touching the G1, but the Hero is amazing.

I admit the 3Gs is finally a pretty good phone. Had this thread been going on before the 3Gs I would probably just laugh and not even bother, assuming people trying to say the 3G was good, just don’t know what they’re talking about.

At least you can finally record video, forward text’s, cut and paste. Can you run more than one app at a time yet, I forget? Can you run widgets on your home page yet?

I admit Windows Mobile’s generally just aren’t as slick as the iPhone’s interface, but the Hero’s is just as slick, if not slicker (is this a word?)

I also LOVE how it sync’s with Google. All my contacts sync, my calendars sync… I can flush my Hero down the toilet, pick up a new one, log in and 15 minutes later everything is back, contacts, calendars and even contact photo’s cause it takes them from people’s Facebook profile photos… magic!

Anyway, as I say, I really don’t want to get drawn into a pointless argument.

It`s a phone. How long does the battery last and will it recover from being dropped in a toilet?

That’s probably where I would disagree with you. Mine’s a personal organiser, sat nav, media player and much more.

Give someone a shout when your ready for the 21st century and we’ll get someone to show you round :stuck_out_tongue:

Briefly. Harder to root, no keyboard.

I think that’s mostly ‘no’ to those.
But, still, the iphone’s substantially more stable, more powerful and better supported than Android, and always has been.

Yeah, it’s as slick or slicker. Vista’s slicker than XP.

But it doesn’t remember everything about your contacts, and it forgets several free applications, certainly doesn’t remember which ones you’ve uninstalled.
And the GMail client is crippled, as is the Google Docs interface. The Email client’s even worse and the calendar’s pretty primitive. There’s no real way of syncing with anything other then Google, and nearly every part of the phone has some part of it that just doesn’t feel finished or properly thought through.

They’re both pretty good, but Android is incredibly far from flawless.

Harder to root? I did it and I’m far from an expert. I think someone created a script… or maybe it was 3 or 4 lines in a command prompt.

I’m not trying to make out Android is flawless, don’t get me wrong, plenty of things they can improve, I just think it’s a better option than the iPhone and yes, I do find it annoying that people who know no better think the iPhone is the only phone that can do the kind of things it can.

Very cheeky!:D:D

But did not answer the questions:D

HTC HD2 Im thinking - now has all the h/w i was after. The s/w … well its Windows Mobile … its OK… battery life and real world perormance TBD…

But cost is also a factor, I’m not spending £45pm for 24 months. Thats just nuts :slight_smile:

£35pm for 18 months is bareable. 12months is better, thats what I’ll try to get and live with the Windows quirks…