why are bike number plates so big out here ??

this was my friends zx6r with legally sized plates back home …

what will happen if i put this size on my bike here ??
fine/points/impound or nothing ?



you’ll get stopped and fined…

You can get a £30.00 fixed penalty fine, if you continue getting pulled with the plate still on then the Police can seize your bike and you can say bye bye to it.

It is a problem not only for you but everyone else if you are in a group, the Police will pull the lot of you over and go over every bike with a fine tooth comb. So if you have anything illegal like exhaust, lights, indicators and plates expect big trouble.

I know through experience :slight_smile:

points too ?

i think the fine has gone up to £60 :pinch:

And there have been a few arrested (albeit not very often) for attempting to pervert the course of justice.

It depends on how the stopping copper views the offence, most will just give you a ticket, some will take it to the other end of the spectrum, which means your bike could get siezed as well.

No, not yet.

Actually fine has gone upto £60. No points though.

:w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t: 30 grand :w00t::w00t: i think il leave my dishwasher sized plates on then

So basically, it ain’t worth it :frowning: That a shame.

looks a bit like mine :stuck_out_tongue: £60 fine all round!

Also is it true that if you get stopped for it too many times the DVLA revoke your numberplate and make you ride with Q-plates?

(making it very difficult to sell the bike later)?

ive been stopped 4 times and havent had to do that…

Also is it true that if you get stopped for it too many times the DVLA revoke your numberplate and make you ride with Q-plates?
(making it very difficult to sell the bike later)?

whats a q plate ?

Yeah but you’re scary :smiley:

me!!! im lovely me!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

The DVLA often issue them if you re-register an import or a re-built vehicle or build your own. From past experience with a van they are very difficult/expensive to insure.

As said above, the thing about making small plate “repeat offenders” use a Q-plate is something we heard but not sure whether that is true or not. Where’s Giuliano? He usually knows all about this type of thing:D

I was lucky I got mine just before it went up :smiley: … It wasn’t as if it was blinking small, it was a 7.5 x 5 but N Wales Plod do it by the book even getting their ruler out and measuring.

Go on Ang… put the famous photo on:P

you should have told them to measure something else! :w00t: :Whistling: