Who's Up For BM To Night

Looked like a good turn out, I was stuck working - hopefully next week it will be just as nice.
Great pics Jay - Great effects on the first one.

Looked like a good one.

I had to be home last night as the wife and kids are off to Liverpool for a few days today, so wanted to spend some time with the nippers and missus.

Next time hopefully.

nice too see old and new faces, almost a year since i last went to BM.

Managed to offload them all too. Not often I am free Wednesday, so it made a nice change to be able to rock up

very nice pics Jay!!

yeah sorry, me and miss plum ate most of the chocolates. of course this wouldn’t have happened if ally had turned up with the cookies! a good night was had :slight_smile:

Awesome pics will have to remember to bring my camera down next time :smiley:

Sorry was having my front tyre changed! I have lots of cookies left actually!

and your Robin-trooper costume! :smiley:

i’m not in any of the pics :frowning:

but i would like to see the robin costume:D

no…not you wearing it me_groovy:w00t::smiley:

Nice to see people and meet new people too.

Didn’t realise how quiet most bikes are… Bad Ducati.

Thanks all :slight_smile: Been a long time since I’ve shot BMM! Time to change that!

Wasp, yes I did. Looked good, will comment more later…

Might have to do a fancy dress evening! :smiley:

haha! your on! i shall have a rummage through my man draw/cupboard.

shall i be batman:w00t::smiley: