Whats the most un-appealing thing you have seen in the shop/supermarket?

Heres mine…

I wonder how much meet is in it!

The chilli no Carne looks much worse … meat count zero . At least the burgers have got some arseholes and eyelids in them .

I love the “Mums choice” on it, lol

I love that the “serving suggestion” is basically tip them out on a plate…

The tins of greasy pigs testicles on the left make tinned burgers seem like a delicious treat.

Anybody see that article recently about whats in a hotdog!?

I used to feed my kids on that ****! :crying:

On a tin of processed ham: Contains offal and connective tissue. Connective tissue? I mean the offal’s is bad enough…

Any one for a roast?