what do you think about this? you would use it on your sportsbike?
looks strange…
what do you think about this? you would use it on your sportsbike?
looks strange…
I actually have seen a Gixxer thou with one of those on… Repugnant on my opinion! Kills the bike completelly!
Mind you that sometimes it can be very handy and I can see the point for that, but not on the supersport bike!
Ugly but can’t knock them for being practical. I usually make do with tank bag and tailpack.
Don`t do it…
It has a purpouse, so why not?
Why would you put a laundry rack on your bike? You can hardly fit anything on it anyway, and in London, the clothes would just get dirty.
Take a look at the pic wolfman posted… Id rather carry all that stuff on a rack than on my back for long journeys. You can always take the rack off when you dont need it, and put it back on when you do.
lol “Laundry rack”
You can get much smaller 180 bars than that contraption!
When its all loaded up with your luggage they dont look bad (cos you cant see them) mine has a Givi one one and its lovely really neat and tidy. But really they dont look nice so if your not using it then take it off…
hey i dont carry the stuff on my back on longer trips as you can see on the pic. only for very short trips (weekend) i use the rucksack.
nonononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono…dont do it…arrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
That would look nice on my BBQ !
ugly ugly ugly,far nicer to see throw overs melted on to your end can LOL
Yeah, it’s practical, but then so is a CD200 Benley!
Hmmm, marginal. Not in the Chelsea farmland, it isn’t!
They look like replacement filaments for Oven Grills !!!..Jesus…When the luggage is on it yeah ok you might get away with it doing its job but when you are luggage free…nooooooooooo…Mobile Single Burger Grill !!!..they look shite !!..what ya gonna do ??..keep removing it ??
Please dont do it !!
I wouldn’t do it personally. A tank and tail pack is enough! If you need more, get a tourer!
Why would you do that, why would you want to be a laughing stock, don’t do it just don’t sportbikes deserve better