What bugs you about other riders and drivers?

Yeah but you move to the side so other can get through as well. People that don’t move over annoy me -_-

IIRC, that is illegal. Perhaps Bluestar or Kaos can advise. I don’t think there’s a specific law stating that vehicles that aren’t police/fire/ambulance having blue lights is illegal but I think there is a law stating what colour of light can be shown in what directions… White to front, Red to rear and Amber on the flanks etc…

hey! thats really unfair :crying:

i think personalized plates on bikes are cool.

i’ve actually seen this on a car once, i was pi**ing myself laughing. :laugh:

I do that sometimes when weather is terrible so that I can be seen. As soon as i see another rider in front of me though I switch it off.

Delivery scooters who try to overtake you- Cyclists who think they own the whole road- Old men/women car drivers (seriously after a certain age, they need to be taken their licence away…)- Car drivers that see you but wont’ let you filter- Bus drivers…and of course all the rest that was said.

Motorway lane hoggers

People that don’t say thankyou

Foreign drivers. Ones that are here on holiday are fine of course, but the ones that drive here every day, without having proved their aptitude with a UK test.

Come on dude, other countries can have loads harder tests to pass…

Passing a test means nothing, it’s just the start of your learning

Drivers with foreign licences, points can’t be applied to them…

I don’t like it how someone can come to London, get a car, and drive around as much as they like for a year on their native licence.

Yes, tests are harder in some places abroad, but the tests are designed for the relevant surroundings. So passing a super hard test in Sweden will not necessarily make you a good driver in London.

Also I’m sorry if that appeared offensive to anyone, I welcome all people of the world to my home city, London, but I got knocked off by someone with a foreign driving licence who had not taken a UK test, and I know several others who have had a similar thing happen to them.

Also I’m sorry if that appeared offensive to anyone, I welcome all people of the world to my home city, London, but I got knocked off by someone with a foreign driving licence who had not taken a UK test, and I know several others who have had a similar thing happen to them.

I have got an EU car license and a full UK bike license, been driving for 17 years and have used it to drive a car here in the UK for the last 7 years. Spent more time taking driving lessons back home, it was a 4 month course, during winter. It also included simulator driving, classroom time, taking notes and learning about car maintenance and our practical lessons never got cancelled due to adverse weather conditions. We skidded all over the roads that had snow, slush and sheet ice on them. Our theory test included multiple choice questions in writing and an oral test too, followed by the practical test which started off with opening the bonnet in the presence of a police officer who was the examiner, checking fluid levels, naming what goes where and going through the mandatory equipment in the boot of the vehicle, plus doing the basic checks before driving off.

And I think we can still get points on our licenses even if they are foreign…

I think licenses from outside of the EU cant get points? Not sure…

and may i ask for “research” :smiley: purposes, where can those be bought?? i’m not sure which ones you’re talking about cause i have seen bright flashing lights but i was never as such dazzled by them as they are tiny, however they do make you notice cyclists which i think is a good thing

:smiley: seems reasonable to me

some peoples lack of consideration for anybody apart from themselves

Yep you will be assigned a dummy number, and the points will be applied to that.

Not all businesses can take delivery at night - building sites for exapmple often have section 61 restrictions on making noise outside normal working hours.

Also, if I order my concrete to arrive at 3am, it won’t be much use when tyhe guys turn up at 8am :stuck_out_tongue:

Roads really piss me off oooh those bloody roads sometimes they just creep up on you and tighten up right at the end and they dont even say sorry…

but most of all it has to be SCOOTERS!!! BUZZY LITTE HALF WITTED ATEMPTS AT BEING A REAL BIKE! appearing in you’re mirror then disapearing only to try and overtake you whilst filtering through traffic with a domino’s pizza box on the back and bits of the scooter dragging along the road…!

Drunk cyclists on the BORIS BIKES at 2am from Elephant and Castle to Mile End !!!


They can’t take deliveries at night as lorries are banned from nearly all of London’s roads between 9pm & 7am in order to reduce noise pollution at night:


have I said?

  • all twats using parking lights after dusk

Cheeky chick I’m guessing you’re from somewhere in Scandinavia then where they have some of the way driving training in teheran world, in my opinion.

My point still stands though about the UK test being designed for UK roads. An extremely skilled driver who learned their craft in the dirt tracks of central Australia may not be able to translate those skills for use in London.

In short, I don’t like ignorant foreign drivers. Sorry.