Wet riding

Can you ride like that.

i couldn’t ride that quick in the dry. :smiley:

that man has alot of skill. :cool:

defo skills, great counter sterring and throttle control!

gimem a set of his wet race tyres and i give it a go:D

I remember that. Those conditions were taking half the field out and Kiyo was laughing his head off in his lid doing that. That’s the best example of his skill. Shame we’ve not seen it since.

Donington is like an ice-rink when wet. I have NO idea how he rode like that, even with wets.

and pigs might fly:Dyour bike dont work in the rain:D

I’ve got a pair in a cupboard you can try mate :slight_smile: You won’t believe them, they’re the best tyres – Ever! Give me a pair of wets in the pissing rain over a hot sunny day on Supercorsas any day…

I’d give it a go. the crash would be epic though

awesome bit of riding. bet he would have ridden at Qatar


That’s truly amazing… look at him wiggling that tail and drifting around every turn :smiley:

nice nice :smiley:

Quite spectacular. Respect to all those boys I couldnt do it. :slight_smile: