only off the bike for 2 weeks the whole year and finally got on it this afternoon for a ride into central to meet a friend and it felt so alien all the way there…

felt better on the way back but it was weird to feel more normal in the car than on the bike!!!

prob: need to check your air

I went away for a week and felt a bit weird on the bike when I got back. Ive only been riding a few months though :smiley:

Mines still in bits waiting to be get the parts in to fix her… :frowning:

Im going doo-laly without a bike to ride… Even tempted to steal my friends moped for half an hour just to get back out again!! :blush:

When i did ride a 600 for about 2 hours it was really strange but Damn was i relieved to be back on 2 wheels… :smiley:

turns out it only felt weird because the rear tyre needed pumping up;)

I have a problem getting the petrol station pumps to fit the valve in the front tyre, anyone else have problems and how do you overcome it? The disc brakes are in the way for it to connect.

yeah ive found this, just position your front tyre so that the valve is close to ground but at a slight angle pointing towards your bike and you should just be able to get it to fit on

The other day my car was really playing up - coughing and spluttering in the cold morning and the afternoon too. Later I looked at the fuel gauge - doh - soon dicovered just what a difference petrol makes to car :slight_smile:

I hear good things about these little gizmos :