As some of you may remember, I’ve got three outstanding parking tickets for parking in a pay & display bay. Now, having a residents’ parking permit allows me to park there, so I didn’t actually commit any heinous crime by doing so.
What I did wrong was to ignore the tickets, and by not making my representations to the council and the adjudicator in time, I lost my right of appeal. I was told to pay £150 per ticket or they’ll get a County Court Judgement against me.
So, off I went to my solicitor (a fellow biker), and he wrote a very stern letter to the council advising them that as no offence was committed, the tickets were null and void, therefore there was no appeal process for me to miss, therefore, the tickets will have to be cancelled, or we’ll take them to court.
On my return to home, there it was on my doorstep: a letter from the council saying they will take no further action!
I would have thought Kensington and Chelsea would have learnt by now not to mess with me, but obviously not…
Go get your cape on (a la Batman, not a castrated chicken LOL) and become “Ticket-Warrior”.
You could pay a visit to Ealing for me and get’em to hurry up on deciding about my ticket from August, then head over to Mike @ M9 and sort his little problem out!!
Good for u girl, you were due a bit of luck after your ignition lock games.
Go Paivi! Nice result that one. I have no problem in paying for my mistakes, but when they try it on like that it makes my blood boil You should have asked your solicitor to request your costs as it was their mistake
I’ll talk to my lawyer on Monday to update him, in case he hasn’t heard from them yet, and we’ll discuss the bill. His charge rate is £350ph, which he said he’d charge to the council if it came to that, but I’ll pay very little indeed. Hope he really will charge peanuts! Then again, I won’t mind paying him £450 as solicitor’s fees, but I do mind paying that to the council for issuing fraudulent tickets!
Nice one Paivi! £450 in solictors fees is a lot to have to pay to defend your position, I’m glad you got the result you deserved, though there’s a lot of people also getting tickets fraudently, who can’t afford solicitors fees, I feel sorry for them!
I doubt he’s asking that much, probably just £50-100, as he’s a fellow biker. The council were asking £450 for fraudulent tickets, so on balance, if I have to pay that, I’d still rather pay it to a solicitor than a council!