I don’t speak Portuguese but from the visuals it appears the motorcyclist (and I use that description lightly) has zero observation skills, as he has plenty of time to react and avoid the stationary pedestrian (or pedestrians, there may be two there) standing on the crossing, but instead smashes straight into them. Do they not teach observation (or even the most basic commonsense) in the Brazilian equivalent of the CBT, or do they not even have a CBT :crazy:
from my very limited portuguese, there seems to be some room for discrepancy between the type of junction and how it is perceived - perhaps the rider thought the pedestrian was going to move and perhaps the pedestrian equally though the rider was going to stop…
The pedestrian crossing is out of use - it has no exit (leads to a brick wall) and no lights, but the markings had not been removed leading to confusion as passengers exited buses at the bus station.
There is another, functioning, crossing a few metres away.
One of the bystanders commented that there had been 3 or 4 accidents in the same place and that passengers think they can use the old crossing.
The rider is concious and undergoing exams in hospital.